Information provided for reference purposes only

Note: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Although the information provided here was accurate and current when first created, it is now outdated. All the links in the document have been removed.



The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the 1999 Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program. This is the twelfth anniversary of this highly successful program that recognizes outstanding operating projects, research studies, technological advances, and public acceptance activities that promote the beneficial use of municipal biosolids. EPA encourages your submission of nominations.

This program is being announced on the Internet and in publications and bulletins. The very process of preparing a nomination package has considerable benefit. It helps preparers focus on the relevance of their efforts and facilitates the spread of knowledge about excellence of nominated activities so that others might benefit. Transfer of information about all nominated activities is very important; so, please do not miss the opportunity to submit your nomination.

EPA encourages States and Regions to have local Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Programs. Such local programs increase the opportunity for recognition, promote public understanding of biosolids recycling at the local level, and emphasize the benefits and sound science behind use. Water Environment Federation (WEF) Member Associations, the National Biosolids Partnership (NBP), and Regional Biosolids Management Associations will be encouraging nominations in this year's awards program. We have added criteria to the categories to recognize programs with sound management, training to ensure community-friendly practices, and effective communication and cooperation among all stakeholders in the biosolids recycling process. These changes are consistent with the NBP on-going efforts to develop an Environmental Management System for Biosolids (EMS) that all biosolids recyclers should want to implement.

This pamphlet describes the awards program in detail and provides guidance for preparing and submitting nominations. Please note that you need to send your nominations to the EPA's Regional Offices by the deadlines specified in this document so that your outstanding efforts can be considered for both our Regional and National competitions. The National awards will be presented in October 1999 at the Annual WEF Conference and Exposition (WEFTEC) in New Orleans, Louisiana.


Michael J. Quigley
Director, Municipal Support Division
Office of Wastewater Management


for the



OMB Control # 2040-0101

Expires 12-31-00


Interested respondents may express their concerns regarding this nomination guidance. The respondents' burden for this collection of information is estimated to average eight hours per response. The collection burden includes the time for the respondent to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather and present the data needed, and complete and review the collection of information. EPA's burden is estimated to average six hours to review the responses.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden: to the Regulatory Information Division (2137), US Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20460; and to Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.


The purpose of the awards program is to recognize significant contributions in the development and implementation of cost-effective, environmentally safe and publicly acceptable biosolids beneficial use practices which recycle nutrients, improve soil conditions, or otherwise conserve valuable natural resources. This excellence awards program helps EPA achieve its goal of promoting, collecting and disseminating information pertaining to the beneficial use of biosolids as authorized and encouraged under Section 405 (g) of the Clean Water Act. The Biosolids Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program is part of the Office of Water's National Wastewater Excellence Awards Program and is authorized by Section 501 (e) of the CWA.


Nominations will be accepted for recognition of excellence in a wide range of activities that have stimulated beneficial use of municipal biosolids. National awards may be presented in the following categories:

  • Operating Projects (large & small). Outstanding, full-scale, beneficial use technologies.
  • Technology Development Activities. Significant technological improvements that have been developed and fully proven at the operational level; these may be pilot or full scale activities.
  • Research Activities. Studies that have substantially contributed to an improved understanding of biosolids beneficial use practices, improved public acceptance, and/or advanced the technology.
  • Public Acceptance Activities (municipal & others). Significant local, regional, and national activities that have increased the acceptance by the public of biosolids beneficial use practices.


  • Nominations for awards may be submitted by anyone including the nominee, EPA Regions, States, WEF Member Associations, municipalities, consultants, researchers, or other interested parties.
  • Nominated entries may include both individuals and groups from private as well as public organizations.
  • As these nomination packages are prepared, it is important to tell the story about the biosolids beneficial use activity in a manner that clearly shows the benefits and simultaneously reduces natural public concern. This information can often be utilized locally for press releases, brochures and other public acceptance purposes.
  • Previous first place winning projects or activities will not be considered as candidates for the same award category for a five-year period. However, second place winners can reapply after a one year wait to try for first place in the same award category. Unsuccessful nominees for awards may immediately apply again for an award the very next year. Persistence has paid off for many nominees who have won awards after several years of attempts and improved nomination packages.
  • Check with your Regional EPA office for any details about a possible local awards competition in your state.
  • For consideration in the National Awards Program, completed nomination packages (see specified format pages 6 & 7) must be received in duplicate by the EPA Region in which your primary office is located (pages 9 & 10).
  • The tentative Regional deadlines for receipt of nominations are shown on page 9. Important--Please check with the appropriate Regional Office contact (page 10) for any Region-specific nomination guidance and for that Region's final submission deadline.
  • Entries will be considered for State and Regional Awards (where applicable) as well as National awards. Regions will forward one copy of each qualified Nomination package to EPA Headquarters by the June 4, 1999, National deadline.
  • Nomination packages (received for the National competition) will be reviewed by a panel consisting of representatives from EPA, WEF, and other groups against the evaluation criteria (see pages 4 & 5) during June 1999. State and EPA Regional offices (where applicable) will also review the nominations for a separate competition in their Region. Because the National and Regional award programs involve separate review panels and because all qualified entries may be considered in both competitions, it is possible that winners in the National award program may differ from the Regional award winners.
  • Nominated activities may sometimes be chosen for special recognition rather than a categorical award.
  • National award recipients will be notified by approximately July 23, 1999, after a final screening for compliance of the recommended winners.
  • National awards consisting of a certificate and plaque will be presented on October 11, 1999, at WEFTEC Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Because of budgetary limitations, EPA will be unable to pay for travel to the awards program. Alternate provisions will be made to present awards to those unable to attend the National Excellence Awards Ceremony in October.
  • Short articles describing National award winning beneficial use activities will be developed by EPA and WEF for publication in WEF' Operations Forum. Subsequent publications describing those Regional as well as National activities will be encouraged. Photographic prints (not facsimile copies) and key facts about both winning and non-winning entries will be used in EPA publications that encourage beneficial biosolids recycling.


The beneficial biosolids use award candidates will be evaluated against the following criteria:

FOR OPERATING PROJECTS [Two Categories: (1) <5 MGD (2) >5 MGD (Note: Categorization is based upon the actual average daily flows, and not the design capacity. If the facility only processes biosolids, then the two categories are (1) < 5 dry tons per day [DTPD] and (2) > 5 DTPD)

  • Significant recycling/reuse of natural resources (e.g., nutrients, organic matter, and energy).
  • Sustained, full-scale, proven operation over several years.
  • Consistent, cost-effective operation.
  • Public acceptance.
  • Compliant with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations.
  • Management of nutrients, and control of nuisances such as odor, dust and traffic.
  • Excellence in project management, and particularly management that fosters close communication and coordination among all biosolids stakeholders from generator to end user as well as project neighbors and the public.


  • Sustained excellence in advancing our knowledge of technologies that recycle biosolids (e.g., improved design criteria or operational practice).
  • National application -- technology that has potential for use in many other areas across the country.
  • Operationally proven.
  • Resolved previous biosolids management or utilization problems and have helped gain public acceptance.


  • Greater public acceptability of biosolids recycling.
  • Greatly improve our understanding of the environmental effects associated with beneficial use of biosolids.
  • Substantial contribution toward the development of improved technological design and operation.
  • Key information generated for the development of improved biosolids regulations and guidance, e.g., for use in the new EMS now being developed for biosolids.

FOR PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE [Two Categories: (1) Municipalities (2) All Others]

  • Demonstrated increases in both public acceptance and public demand. The term "public" is meant to include regulatory agencies, agricultural organizations, water quality professionals, public health officials, environmentalists, academic institutions, and the news media as well as the general public. Indicators of "demand" include such factors as waiting lists and users paying for biosolids.
  • Characterized by dedicated and successful individual and team efforts.
  • Demonstrated willingness to share information and approaches for gaining public acceptance.
  • Proactive successful approaches for working the press and other groups explaining the benefits of biosolids use, cultivating and gaining allies, and educating against unfounded alarmist stories that may arise.
  • Excellence in local information transfer and training efforts that have made a positive local difference, (e.g., on-site demonstrations and collaborative efforts involving the involvement of municipalities, citizens, universities, and others).
  • Characterized by managers who work with all stakeholders to identify and utilize critical control points for ensuring sound management and community-friendly practices.


The information described in the Nomination Format should be supplied in the nomination package. The completeness of information provided and the manner in which the nomination addresses the Evaluation Criteria in both the Executive Summary and the text is especially important.

All nominations must be submitted in duplicate in the following format to the appropriate EPA Regional Office (see pages 9 & 10).

1. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION (See sample front page form on page 8)

    Name, address, affiliation, telephone number, NPDES number (if applicable), and the spokesperson for the project or activity. Please also indicate the applicable government officials that you would like notified should your entry win an award (see form on page 8).

2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (2 pages or less)

    Describe the project or activity indicating the award category for which the nomination is proposed and how you believe it meets the evaluation criteria.


    Provide the following relevant information, if applicable, to adequately support the nomination.

    (a) Biosolids type, quantity (expressed as dry solids used per day, week or year), quality (nutrient and pollutant concentrations compared with Part 503 Table 3 pollutant concentration limits), processing information, and other details relevant to the beneficial use practice or activity. Be specific regarding the unit processes, including biosolids production and processing details. Account for the types and amounts of biosolids going to each beneficial use practice (and disposal practice -- if any).

    (b) Duration and size of the project or activity; extent of ability to operate at design level; and cost and effectiveness information.

    (c) Describe the project monitoring program as it determines compliance, keeps the public informed of biosolids transport and use, evaluates performance, and helps modify practices.

    (d) Describe the contributions of the cooperating parties to the beneficial use project or activity.

    (e) Provide sufficient information so that the awards judges can determine the compliance of nominated projects with applicable local, State, and Federal regulations.

    (f) Describe important project management activities that maintain and promote excellence and maximize the benefits of biosolids use, (e.g., hold down costs; improve biosolids quality; use a written code of good practice or other means to promote compliance with rules, manage nutrients and minimize odors and other nuisances; and promote acceptance via working with allies, press and the public).

    (g) Describe training activities which have improved operations, performance, and public acceptance.

    (h) Describe the effectiveness of the local pretreatment program that has resulted in better quality and easier use of biosolids.

    (i) Describe special innovative practices or activities.

    (j) Discuss how obstacles (technical, political, public acceptance, or other) have been overcome as a result of the nominated activity.

    (k) Give evidence of the enhanced benefits that have resulted from the activity such as lower costs for biosolids management, lower energy consumption, payments for biosolids by users, enhanced soil properties, better crop productivity and quality, enhanced plant disease resistance, lower human health risks, greater National adoption of practice, and improved public acceptance and demand for biosolids products.


Supporting materials may be attached. The attachment should include a short cover index page that lists the various supporting materials and gives about a 4- to 6-line description of each item.

Photographs of the activity are strongly encouraged. Please provide the actual photographic prints rather than Xerox copies of prints, since only the prints are suitable for printing in publications. EPA and others would like to use your prints in publications that promote beneficial use of biosolids and provide greater recognition of your activity.

Note: Sheer bulk of information is not desirable. Be concise and attach items that truly substantiate the importance and relevance of the beneficial use project or activity. Please do not send materials that you wish to have sent back because application materials are not returned.

SAMPLE FRONT PAGE (1999 Biosolids Beneficial Use Awards Program)

I. Proposed Award Category ________________________________

II. Facility Identification Name

a) Official Name and Address of Award Entity to be Engraved on Plaque

and Certificate _______________________________________

b) Type of Ownership _______________________________________

(e.g., corporate, private or public, university, etc.)

Zip Codes of Service Area _______________________________________

(used to notify US Representatives)

c) Contact Person Regarding the Nomination __________________________

Their Title, Address, Telephone No. __________________________

III. Award Notification

a) Name, Organizational Title, Address and Telephone No. of Local Official (e.g., Mayor, Authority Board President, Corporate President, Department Chairman, etc.): ______________________________________________

b) Federal and State Political Notifications

US Senators & Representatives (list names only) ______________________________________________________

State Governor's Name & Address

c) Other ____________________________________________________

IV. One Sentence Description

Lists the Most Significant Noteworthy Features of the Operation/Activity


EPA Region Tentative*
Deadline Dates
1 05-21-99 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
2 03-19-99 New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
3 05-21-99 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
4 05-21-99 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
5 05-21-99 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
6 05-21-99 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
7 05-21-99 Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
8 05-21-99 Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
9 05-21-99 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam
10 05-21-99 Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
*These deadline dates for receipt of award nomination packages are tentative. Please check with your Regional Office for verification.

(See List of States in Each Region)

Address Contact Telephone
1 Office of Ecosystems Protection
One Congress Street, Suite 1100 (CMU)
Boston, MA 02114-2033
Fax: 617-918-1505
2 Division of Enforcement and
Compliance Assistance
290 Broadway, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10007-1866
Fax: 212-637-3953
3 EPA Water Protection Division
841 Chestnut Street (3WP23)
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Fax: 215-814-2302
4 EPA Water Management Division
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth St., SW
Atlanta, GA 30303-8960
Fax: 404-562-9224
5 EPA Water Division (WN-16J)
77 West Jackson
Chicago, IL 60604
Fax: 312-886-7804
6 Permits Section, Permits Branch
Water Quality Protection Div. (6WQ-PP)
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202
Fax: 214-665-2191
7 EPA NPDES and Facilities
Management Branch
726 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66101
Fax: 913-551-7765
8 Biosolids Mgmt Program (8P-W-P)
999 18th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466
Fax: 303-312-7084
9 EPA Clean Water Act
Compliance Office (WTR7)
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Fax: 415-744-1235
10 EPA NPDES Permits Unit (OW130)
1200 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
Fax: 206-553-1280
Also The Water Environment Federation
Technical and Educational Services
601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax: 703-684-2492


Category Winner [Activity] Award* Year
Operating Projects (>5MGD)
City of Tacoma, WA [Multiple, Team TAGRO] 1st 1998
Western Carolina Regional Sewer Auth [Multiple] 2nd 1998
City of Houston, TX [Heat Dry & Land Ap Lime Stab] 1st 1997
Ducket Creek San Distr, St Charles, MO [Land Ap Aerobic Dig] 2nd 1997
King County, WA WPC Div [Farm & Forest] 1st 1996
County San Distr of LA, CA [Diverse] 2nd 1996
City of Austin, TX, [Multiple Uses] 1st 1995
Tacoma Utilities Services, WA [Land Ap, TAGRO Soil Mix] 2nd 1995
City of Los Angeles, CA [Multiple Uses] 1st 1994
City of Columbus, OH [Multiple Uses] 2nd 1994
Clayton Co, Water Authority, GA [Heat Dry, Comp.] 1st 1993
City of Austin Water & WW Util, TX [Comp, Air Dr] 2nd 1993
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Util. Dist., NC [Land Ap] 1st 1992
Truckee Meadows Water Reclaim, Dist., CA [Land Ap] 2nd 1992
City of Omaha, NE [Land Appl.] 1st 1991
Miami-Dade, FL [Air Dry, Composting, Marketing] 2nd 1991
Vallejo San. & Flood Control Dist., CA [Land Ap] 1st 1990
Cape May County Mun. Util. Auth., NJ [Composting] 2nd 1990
Hampton Roads, VA [Nutragreen - Land Ap., Comp.] 1st 1989
Clayton Co., GA [Comp, Heat Dry, Tree Prod.] tie2nd 1989
Pima County, AZ [Land Application] tie2nd 1989
Seattle Metro, WA [Forest & Ag. Land Use] 1st 1988
San. Dist of Los Angeles Co., CA [Composting] 2nd 1988
Operating Projects (<5 MGD)
Blue Heron Water Recl Facility, Titusville, FL [Mixed] 1st 1998
Freemont, NB Wastewater Trt Facility [Liquid Land Appl] 2nd 1998
Univ. Joint Auth., State College, PA [Composting] 1st 1997
Summerville, SC [Liquid Land Appl] 2nd 1997
Newton, IA WPC Facility [Anaerob Land Appl] 1st 1996
Port Townsend, WA Biosolids Composting Facility 2nd 1996
Elizabethton, TN [Co-composting] 1st 1995
Chippewa Falls, WI [Land Appl by Injection] 2nd 1995
Cumberland County Util Auth, NJ [Land Appl] 1st 1994
City of New Smyrna Beach, FL [Land Appl] 2nd 1994
Lafayette Wastewater Trtment Plant, GA [Land Appl] 1st 1993
Chillicothe Munic Util WW Tmt Plt, MO [Liq Land Appl] 2nd 1993
The City of St. Peters, MO [Land Appl.] 1st 1992
The Sussex Co. Mun. Util. Auth., NJ [In-Vess, Comp] 2nd 1992
Alpena, MI [Revegetate Industrial Waste Site] 1st 1991
Blackfoot, ID [Land Appl., Outreach] 2nd 1991
Hannibal, MO, Bd of Pub. Works [Econ Land Ap] 1st 1990
Redwood San. Sewer Service Dist., CA [Co-Compost] 2nd 1990
Technology Development
King County, WA WPC Div [Forest Bios App System] 1st 1996
WSSC Montgomery Co., MD Regional Compost. Fac. [Scrubber and Mixing Advances/Comp. Odor Cont] 1st 1992
City of Lancaster, PA [Composting Odor Cont.] 2nd 1992
N-Viro [Alkaline Stabilization of Sludge], OH 1st 1990
WSSC Montgomery Co., MD Regional Compost. Fac. [Thermal Odor Control] 2nd 1990
Austin, TX [Accelerated Air Drying] 1st 1989
WSSC Montgomery Co. MD, Regional Compost. Fac. [Chemical Odor Control] 1st 1988
Sussex Co., NJ [Compost Odor & Process Control] 2nd 1988
*1st and 2nd place awards are not always given

Category Winner [Activity] Award* Year
Research Activities
WSSC Montg Co, MD Comp Fac [Trt Plt Process/Odor] 1st 1998
City of Phila.Water Dept, PA [Comp Opns & VOC's] 1st 1995
Dr. Terry Logan, Ohio State Univ, OH 1st 1994
Rocky Mt. Forest & Range Exp Sta, NM 2nd 1994
Los Angeles County San Dist, CA [Comp Odor/VOC] 1st 1993
Drs. Al Page & Andrew Chang, Univ of CA, Riv. 1st 1991
Dr. Paul Giordano, Tenn Valley Authority, AL 2nd 1991
Dr. Rufus Chaney, US Dept. of Agriculture, MD 1st 1990
Dr. Michael Overcash, NC State University 2nd 1990
Univ. of MN, USDA Research Team 1st 1989
W124/W170 Regional Research Comm., USDA, CSRS 1st 1988
Allentown, PA/Penn State U, Palmerton [Reveg] 2nd 1988
Public Acceptance
Iowa Water Pol Cont Assoc, Ames, IA [Other] 1st 1998
Cartersville, GA [Municipal] 1st 1997
Memphis, TN, TE Maxson WW Trt Plt [Municipal] 1st 1996
City of Tacoma, WA[Municipal] 2nd 1996
New England Interstate WPC Commission [Other] 1st 1996
Rocky Mts. Water Environ Association [Other] 2nd 1996
Dr. Lee Jacobs, Mich State Univ., MI 1st 1995
Special Recognition
Philadelphia, PA Water Dept [Reclaim Strip Mines]   1998
Lime Lake Reclamation Project [Priv Reclaim Indust Lands]   1998
Tim Frank Septic Tank Cleaning Co [National Support Compliant Services]   1998
Springfield, MA [Overcome Serious Odors/Acceptamce]   1997
Maine Compost Team, Augusta [Team Excellence]   1997
Mountains to Sound Greenway Biosolids Forestry Program, WA [Stakeholders Use Biosolids Env Ben]   1996
Environ. Waste Recycling Inc., NC [Pub Acpt & Opns]   1996
Northwest Biosolids Mgmt Assoc, WA [Pub Acpt]   1994
Maine Waste Water Control Assoc, ME [Pub Acpt]   1994
Oyzboyd Environmental Svc, GA [Vert Bed Dewater]   1994
City of Tampa, FL Hookers Point WW Trt. Plant [Optimizing Use of Digester Gas]   1992
Dr. Arthur E. Peterson, Dept of Soil Sci, Madison, WI [Sludge Research in WI]   1992
The College of Forest Resources, Univ of WA [Cooperative R&D, Appl to Forest Ecosystems]   1992
NutraLime, St. Paul, MN [Incin. Ash + Water Treatment Sludge for Land Improvement]   1991
Metro. Water Reclam. Dist. of Greater Chicago [Long Term Multiple Contrb. to Beneficial Use]   1991
BioGro Systems, Inc., MD [Sustained Service & Enhanced Public Acceptance]   1990
City of Los Angeles, CA & Ag Tech Co., AZ [Public-Private Team from Ocean Disp. to Ben Use]   1989
East Bay Municipal Utilities Dist., CA [Sustained Contribution to Beneficial Use & Composting]   1989
*1st and 2nd place awards are not always given


Category Winner [Activity] Award* Year
Special Mention
Village Creek WW Trt Plt, Ft Worth, TX [L A] (LOP)   1998
Greenville, NC Utilities Commission [Spray Irrig] (LOP)   1998
Pole Bridge Creek San Dist, Dekalb Co, GA [Land Ap] (LOP)   1997
City of Gastonia, NC [Land Ap] (LOP)   1997
Letchworth Ave WWTP, Billericia, MA [Comp] (OP)   1997
Winston-Salem, NC, Archie Elledge WWTP [L A] (LOP)   1996
Littleton/Englewood, CO WW Trt Plt [Dryland] (LOP)   1996
Louisville, CO WW Trt Plt [Windrow Comp] (OP)   1996
Rochester Water Reclamation Plant, MN [Pub Acpt]   1996
Bloomington & Normal Water Rec Dist, IL [L AP] (OP)   1995
Knoxville, TN Util Bd [Land Ap, Strip Mine] (LOP)   1995
St Charles MO River Trt Fac, [Land Ap] (OP)   1995
City of Salem, OR [Land Ap] (OP)   1994
Broward County, FL [Mkt & Product] (Res)   1994
Benton Harbor-St. Joseph, MI WW Trt Plt. [L Ap] (OP)   1992
Madison, WI, Metro-Gro [Land Use] (LOP)   1988
Lime Lakes, OH, PPG Corp. [Priv. Svc. Reclaim Alk Site] (OP)   1988
Hannibal, MO [Land Application] (OP)   1988
Bowling Green, KY [Land Application] (OP)   1988
Fallbrook, CA [Vermicomposting] (TD)   1988
Ohio State Univ, Wooster, OH [Composting Biotech] (Res)   1988
*Honorable Mention awards are not always given

This page last updated on February 08, 1999