Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
Applicability Tool for 2010-2013
Does the facility emit 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year from stationary combustion sources?
Instructions. Enter the CO2e emissions from all stationary fuel combustion sources at this facility. You will need to assess annual emissions using the relevant calculation methodology and equations specified in the GHG Reporting Rule (see link in the table) and available company records. Emissions can be entered directly or calculated using the calculator provided in this tool (see button below).
Note. For the purposes of general stationary fuel combustion (Subpart C), the emissions from emergency generators, emergency equipment, portable equipment, and flares should not be included. Hazardous waste combustion should only include emissions from co-fired fossil fuels and not from hazardous waste. Emissions from biomass-derived fuels should exclude CO2 emissions but include CH4 and N2O emissions. Emissions for stationary combustion can be entered directly or calculated using the calculator provided in this tool (see button below).
Facility Name: Not provided
Street Address: Not provided
City and State: Not provided
Year of Emissions: Not provided
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