Subpart TT-Industrial Waste Landfills
§98.460 Definition of the source category.
(a) This source category applies to industrial waste landfills that accepted waste on or after January 1, 1980, and that are located at a facility whose total landfill design capacity is greater than or equal to 300,000 metric tons.
(b) An industrial waste landfill is a landfill other than a municipal solid waste landfill, a RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste landfill, or a TSCA hazardous waste landfill, in which industrial solid waste, such as RCRA Subtitle D wastes (non-hazardous industrial solid waste, defined in 40 CFR 257.2), commercial solid wastes, or conditionally exempt small quantity generator wastes, is placed. An industrial waste landfill includes all disposal areas at the facility.
(c) This source category does not include:
(1) Construction and demolition waste landfills. Construction and demolition (C&D) waste landfill means a solid waste disposal facility subject to the requirements of subparts A or B of part 257 of this chapter that receives construction and demolition waste and does not receive hazardous waste industrial solid waste (defined in §258.2 of this chapter) or municipal solid waste (defined in §98.6 of this part) other than residential lead-based paint waste. A C&D waste landfill typically receives any one or more of the following types of solid wastes: roadwork material, excavated material, demolition waste, construction/ renovation waste, and site clearance waste.
(2) Industrial waste landfills that only receive one or more of the following inert waste materials:
(i) Coal combustion or incinerator ash (e.g., fly ash).
(ii) Cement kiln dust.
(iii) Rocks and/or soil from excavation and construction and similar activities.
(iv) Glass.
(v) Non-chemically bound sand (e.g., green foundry sand).
(vii) Clay, gypsum, or pottery cull.
(viii) Bricks, mortar, or cement.
(ix) Furnace slag.
(x) Materials used as refractory (e.g., alumina, silicon, fire clay, fire brick).
(xi) Plastics (e.g., polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride).
(xii) Other waste material that has a volatile solids concentration of 0.5 weight percent (on a dry basis) or less
(d) This source category consists of the following sources at industrial waste landfills: Landfills, gas collection systems at landfills, and destruction devices for landfill gases (including flares).