SHELTER_TEMPERATURE : A/C and Heat logger control installed. |
02-SEP-15 |
WIND_DIRECTION : Sensor unwired. |
22-MAR-15 |
WINDSPEED : Sensor unwired. |
22-MAR-15 |
SIGMA_THETA : Sensor unwired. |
22-MAR-15 |
WINDSPEED_SCALAR : Sensor unwired. |
22-MAR-15 |
RELATIVE_HUMIDITY : Sensor unwired. |
22-MAR-15 |
TEMPERATURE : 9m temperature measurement with passive aspiration installed. |
22-MAR-15 |
TEMP2 : Sensor unwired. |
22-MAR-15 |
OZONE : New certification range for site transfer standard |
13-SEP-14 |
OZONE : ZSP order changed to SPZ. |
21-MAR-14 |
OZONE : Foam insulation added to sample line. |
21-MAR-14 |
OZONE : Knock-out bottle removed. |
21-MAR-14 |
OZONE : 10 ft. exhaust tubing added to both analyzers. |
06-MAR-12 |
OZONE : Replacement pressure transducer installed in site analyzer. |
06-MAR-12 |
OZONE : Ozone tubing changed from 3/8 inch to 1/4 inch. |
19-MAR-11 |
OZONE : 40CFR Part 58 ozone site installed using independent site transfer standard. |
19-MAR-11 |
OZONE : Ozone sample line filter removed from inside the shelter. |
19-MAR-11 |
DATALOGGER : CR3000 datalogger installed. Wiring standardized. |
24-MAR-09 |