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PM-2.5 (2006) Nonattainment Area Partial County Descriptions

Data is current as of February 28, 2025
Detailed Description of Certain Area Boundaries for Partial Counties


Fairbanks, AK

Fairbanks North Star Borough

The following townships and ranges: MTRS F001N001 All Sections; MTRS F001N001E Sections 2-11, 14-23, 26-34; MTRS F001N002 Sections 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, 32-36; MTRS F001S001E Sections 1, 3-30, 32-36; MTRS F001S001W Sections 1 30; MTRS F001S002E Sections 6 8, 17-20, 29-36; MTRS F001S002W Sections 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, 32-33; MTRS F001S003E Sections 31-32; MTRS F002N001E Sections 31-35; MTRS F002N001 Sections 28, 31-36; MTRS F002N002 Sections 32-33, 36; MTRS F002S001E Sections 1-2; MTRS F002S002E Sections 1-17, 21-24; MTRS F002S003E Sections 5-8, 18.


West Central Pinal, AZ

Pinal County

Pinal County (part):

1. Commencing at a point which is the intersection of the eastern line of Range 1 East, Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian, and the northern line of Township 4 South, which is the point of beginning:

2. Thence, proceed easterly along the northern line of Township 4 South to a point where the northern line of Township 4 South intersects the eastern line of Range 4 East;

3. Thence, southerly along the eastern line of Range 4 East to a point where the eastern line of Range 4 East intersects the northern line of Township 6 South;

4. Thence, easterly along the northern line of Township 6 South to a point where the northern line of Township 6 South intersects the eastern line of Range 4 East;

5. Thence, southerly along the eastern line of Range 4 East to a point where the eastern line of Range 4 East intersects the southern line of Township 7 South;

6. Thence, westerly along the southern line of Township 7 South to a point where the southern line of Township 7 South intersects the quarter section line common to the southwestern southwest quarter section and the southeastern southwest quarter section of section 34, Range 3 East and Township 7 South;

7. Thence, northerly along the quarter section line common to the southwestern southwest quarter section and the southeastern southwest quarter section of sections 34, 27, 22, and 15, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, to a point where the quarter section line common to the southwestern southwest quarter section and the southeastern southwest quarter section of sections 34, 27, 22, and 15, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, intersects the northern line of section 15, Range 3 East and Township 7 South;

8. Thence, westerly along the northern line of sections 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, and the northern line of sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 2 East and Township 7 South, to a point where the northern line of sections 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, and the northern line of sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 2 East and Township 7 South, intersect the eastern line of Range 1 East, which is the common boundary between Maricopa and Pinal Counties, as described in Arizona Revised Statutes sections 11-109 and 11-113;

9. Thence, northerly along the eastern line of Range 1 East to the point of beginning which is the point where the eastern line of Range 1 East intersects the northern line of Township 4 South;

10. Except that portion of the area defined by paragraphs 1 through 9 above that lies in Indian country.


Imperial County, CA

Imperial County

That portion of Imperial County which lies within the line described as follows: (San Bernardino Base and Meridan) Beginning at the intersection of the United States-Mexico border and the southeast corner of T17S R11E, then north along the range line of the eastern edge of range R11E, then east along the township line of the southern edge of T12S to the northeast corner of T13S R15E, then south along the range line common to R15E and R16E, to the United States-Mexico border.

Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA

Los Angeles County

That portion of Los Angeles County which lies south and west of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the Los Angeles-San Bernardino County boundary and running west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

then North along the range line common to Range 8 West and Range 9 West;

then west along the Township line common to Township 4 North and Township 3 North;

then north along the range line common to Range 12 West and Range 13 West to the southeast corner of Section 12, Township 5 North and Range 13 West;

then west along the south boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, Township 5 North and Range 13 West to the boundary of the Angeles National Forest which is collinear with the range line common to Range 13 West and Range 14 West;

then north and west along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North (point is at the northwest corner of Section 4 in Township 6 North and Range 14 West);

then west along the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North;

then north along the range line common to Range 15 West and Range 16 West to the southeast corner of Section 13, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;

then along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;

then north along the range line common to Range 16 West and Range 17 West to the north boundary of the Angeles National Forest (collinear with the Township line common to Township 8 North and Township 7 North);

then west and north along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the south boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant;

then west and north along this land grant boundary to the Los Angeles-Kern County boundary.

Riverside County

That portion of Riverside County which lies to the west of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the Riverside-San Diego County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

then east along the Township line common to Township 8 South and Township 7 South;

then north along the range line common to Range 5 East and Range 4 East;

then west along the Township line common to Township 6 South and Township 7 South to the southwest corner of Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 4 East;

then north along the west boundaries of Sections 34, 27, 22, 15, 10, and 3, Township 6 South, Range 4 East;

then west along the Township line common to Township 5 South and Township 6 South;

then north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East;

then west along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 5 South, Range 3 East;

then north along the range line common to Range 2 East and Range 3 East; to the Riverside-San Bernardino County Line (excluding the lands of the Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians).

That part of the lands of the Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians which is excluded from the Riverside County (part) nonattainment area.

San Bernardino County

That portion of San Bernardino County which lies south and west of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the San Bernardino-Riverside County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 3 East and Range 2 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

then west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North to the San Bernardino-Los Angeles County boundary.

Sacramento, CA

El Dorado County

That portion of El Dorado County which lies west of the line described as follows: (Mount Diablo Base and Meridian) Beginning at the intersection of El Dorado-Amador county line and the township line common to townships T8N R10E and T8N R11E, then north along the range line common to ranges R10E and R11E, then east along the township line common to T9N and T8N, then north along the range line common to ranges R12E and R13E, then west along the township line common to T12N and T11N, then north along the range line common to ranges R10E and R11E, then west along the township line common to T13N and T12N, then north along the range line common to ranges R9E and R10E, to the El Dorado-Placer County boundary.

Placer County

That portion of Placer County which lies west of the line described as follows: (Mount Diablo Base and Meridian) Beginning at the intersection of the Placer-El Dorado County line and the township line common to townships T12N R9E and T13N R9E, then running west along the township line common to townships T12N R9E and T13N R9E, then north along the range line common to ranges R8E and R9E, to the Placer-Nevada County boundary.

Solano County

That portion of Solano County which lies north and east of a line described as follows:

beginning at the intersection of the westerly boundary of Solano County and the 1/4 section line running east and west through the center of Section 34;

Township 6 North, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian,

thence east along said 1/4 section line to the east boundary of Section 36, Township 6 North, Range 2 West,

thence south 1/2 mile and east 2.0 miles, more or less, along the west and south boundary of Los Putos Rancho to the northwest corner of Section 4, Township 5 North, Range 1 West,

thence east along a line common to Township 5 North and Township 6 North to the northeast corner of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 1 East,

thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 10, Township 3 North, Range 1 East,

thence east along section lines to the south 1/4 corner of Section 8, Township 3 North, Range 2 East,

thence east to the boundary between Solano and Sacramento Counties.

Yolo County

That portion of Yolo County which lies east of the line described as follows: (Mount Diablo Base and Meridian) Beginning at the intersection of Yolo-Solano County boundary and the range line of the eastern edge of township T8N R2W, north along the range line of the eastern edge of township T8N R2W, continuing north along the range line common to ranges R2W and R1W, to the Yolo-Colusa County boundary.

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Solano County

That portion of Solano County which lies south and west of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly boundary of Solano County and the 1/4 section line running east and west through the center of Section 34, Township 6 North, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, thence east along said 1/4 section line to the east boundary of Section 36, Township 6 North, Range 2 West, thence south 1/2 mile and east 2.0 miles, more or less, along the west and south boundary of Los Putos Rancho to the northwest corner of Section 4, Township 5 North, Range 1 West thence east along a line common to T5N and T6N to the northeast corner of Section 3, T5N, R1E, thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 10, T3N, R1E, thence east along section lines to the south 1/4 corner of Section 8, T3N, R2E, thence east to the boundary between Solano and Sacramento Counties.

Sonoma County

That portion of Sonoma County which lies south and east of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the Rancho Estero Americano, being on the boundary line between Marin and Sonoma Counties, California;

thence running northerly along the easterly boundary line of said Rancho Estero Americano to the northeasterly corner thereof, being an angle corner in the westerly boundary line of Rancho Canada de Jonive;

thence running along said boundary of Rancho Canada de Jonive westerly, northerly and easterly to its intersection with the easterly line of Graton Road;

thence running along the easterly and southerly line of Graton Road, northerly and easterly to its intersection with the easterly line of Sullivan Road;

thence running northerly along said easterly line of Sullivan Road to the southerly line of Green Valley Road;

thence running easterly along the said southerly line of Green Valley Road and easterly along the southerly line of State Highway 116, to the westerly line of Vine Hill Road;

thence running along the westerly and northerly line of Vine Hill Road, northerly and easterly to its intersection with the westerly line of Laguna Road;

thence running northerly along the westerly line of Laguna Road and the northerly projection thereof to the northerly line of Trenton Road;

thence running westerly along the northerly line of said Trenton Road to the easterly line of Trenton-Healdsburg Road;

thence running northerly along said easterly line of Trenton-Healdsburg Road to the easterly line of Eastside Road;

thence running northerly along said easterly line of Eastside Road to its intersection with the southerly line of Rancho Sotoyome;

thence running easterly along said southerly line of Rancho Sotoyome to its intersection with the Township line common to Townships 8 and 9 North, M.D.M.;

thence running easterly along said township line to its intersection with the boundary line between Sonoma and Napa Counties.

San Joaquin Valley, CA

Kern County

That portion of Kern County which lies west and north of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the Kern-Los Angeles County boundary and running north and east along the northwest boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant to the point of intersection with the range line common to R. 16 W. and R. 17 W., San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

north along the range line to the point of intersection with the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary;

then southeast, northeast, and northwest along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the northwest corner of Sec. 3, T11N, R17W;

then west 1.2 miles;

then north to the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary;

then northwest along the Rancho El Tejon line to the southeast corner of Sec. 34, T32S, R30E Mount Diablo Base And Meridian;

then north to the northwest corner of Sec. 35, T31S, R30E;

then Northeast along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the southwest corner of Sec. 18, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;

then east to the southeast corner of Sec. 13, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;

then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the northwest corner of Sec. 6, T. 29 S., R.32 E.;

then east to the southwest corner of Sec. 31, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.;

then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the northwest corner of Sec. 6, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.,

then west to the southeast corner of Sec. 36, T. 27 S., R. 31 E.,

then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the Kern-Tulare County boundary.


Klamath Falls, OR

Klamath County

Townships and ranges defined by T37S R9E Sections 31–32. T38S R8E Sections 1-5, 8-16, 22-26, 35-36. T38S R9E Sections 5-8, 14-15, 17-36. T39S R8E Sections 1-2, 11-13, 24. T39S R9E Sections 1-27. T39S R10E Sections 3-10, 15-20, 29-30.


Provo, UT

Utah County

The area of Utah County that lies west of the Wasatch Mountain Range (and this includes the Cities of Provo and Orem) with an eastern boundary for Utah County to be defined as the following Townships:

Township 3 South Range 1 East; Township 4 South Range 2 East; Township 5 South Range 3 East; Township 6 South Range 3 East; Township 7 South Range 3 East; Township 8 South Range 3 East; Township 9 South Range 3 East; Township 10 South Range 2 East.

Salt Lake City, UT

Box Elder County

The following Townships or portions thereof as noted (including Brigham City): Township 7 North Range 2 West; Township 8 North Range 2 West; Township 9 North Range 2 West; Township 10 North Range 2 West; Township 11 North Range 2 West; Township 12 North Range 2 West; Township 13 North Range 2 West; Township 9 North Range 3 West; Township 10 North Range 3 West; Township 11 North Range 3 West; Township 12 North Range 3 West; Township 13 North Range 3 West; Township 13 North Range 4 West; Township 12 North Range 4 West; Township 11 North Range 4 West; Township 10 North Range 4 West; Township 9 North Range 4 West; Township 13 North Range 5 West; Township 12 North Range 5 West; Township 11 North Range 5 West; Township 10 North Range 5 West; Township 9 North Range 5 West; Township 13 North Range 6 West; Township 12 North Range 6 West; Township 11 North Range 6 West; Township 10 North Range 6 West; Township 9 North Range 6 West; Township 7 North Range 1 West (portion located in Box Elder County); Township 8 North Range 1 West portion located in Box Elder County); Township 9 North Range 1 West (portion located in Box Elder County).

Tooele County

The following Townships or portions thereof as noted (including Tooele City: Township 1 South Range 3 West; Township 2 South Range 3 West; Township 3 South Range 3 West; Township 3 South Range 4 West; Township 2 South Range 4 West; Township 2 South Range 5 West; Township 3 South Range 5 West; Township 3 South Range 6 West; Township 2 South Range 6 West; Township 1 South Range 6 West; Township 1 South Range 5 West; Township 1 South Range 4 West; Township 1 South Range 7 West; Township 2 South Range 7 West; Township 3 South Range 7 West; all Sections within Township 4 South Range 7 West except for Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32; Township 4 South Range 6 West; Township 4 South Range 5 West; Township 4 South Range 4 West; Township 4 South Range 3 West.

Weber County

The area of Weber County that lies west of the Wasatch Mountain Range with an eastern boundary for Weber County to be defined as the following Townships (or portion thereof) extending to the western boundary of Weber County:

Township 5 North Range 1 West; Township 6 North Range 1 West; all Sections within Township 7 North Range 1 West located within Weber County except for Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 and 24; Township 7 North Range 2 West (portion located in Weber County).

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