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PM-2.5 (1997) Designated Area Partial County Descriptions

Data is current as of February 28, 2025
Detailed Description of Certain Area Boundaries for Partial Counties


Birmingham, AL

Walker County

The area described by U.S. Census 2000 block group identifiers 01-127-0214-5, 01-127-0215-4, and 01-127-0216-2.

Chattanooga, TN-GA-AL

Jackson County

The area described by U.S. Census 2000 block block group identifier 01-071-9503-1.


Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA

Los Angeles County

That portion of Los Angeles County which lies south and west of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the Los Angeles - San Bernardino County boundary and running west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

then north along the range line common to Range 8 West and Range 9 West;

then west along the Township line common to Township 4 North and Township 3 North;

then north along the range line common to Range 12 West and Range 13 West to the southeast corner of Section 12, Township 5 North and Range 13 West;

then west along the south boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, Township 5 North and Range 13 West to the boundary of the Angeles National Forest which is collinear with the range line common to Range 13 West and Range 14 West;

then north and west along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North (point is at the northwest corner of Section 4 in Township 6 North and Range 14 West);

then west along the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North;

then north along the range line common to Range 15 West and Range 16 West to the southeast corner of Section 13, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;

then along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;

then north along the range line common to Range 16 West and Range 17 West to the north boundary of the Angeles National Forest (collinear with the Township line common to Township 8 North and Township 7 North);

then west and north along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the south boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant;

then west and north along this land grant boundary to the Los Angeles-Kern County boundary.

Riverside County

That portion of Riverside County which lies to the west of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the Riverside - San Diego County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

then east along the Township line common to Township 8 South and Township 7 South;

then north along the range line common to Range 5 East and Range 4 East;

then west along the Township line common to Township 6 South and Township 7 South to the southwest corner of Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 4 East;

then north along the west boundaries of Sections 34, 27, 22, 15, 10, and 3, Township 6 South, Range 4 East;

then west along the Township line common to Township 5 South and Township 6 South;

then north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East;

then west along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 5 South, Range 3 East;

then north along the range line common to Range 2 East and Range 3 East; to the Riverside - San Bernardino County line.

San Bernardino County

That portion of San Bernardino County which lies south and west of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the San Bernardino - Riverside County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 3 East and Range 2 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

then west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North to the San Bernardino - Los Angeles County boundary.

San Joaquin Valley, CA

Kern County

That portion of Kern County which lies west and north of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the Kern-Los Angeles County boundary and running north and east along the northwest boundary of the Rancho La Libre Land Grant to the point of intersection with the range line common to R. 16 W. and R. 17 W., San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

north along the range line to the point of intersection with the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary;

then southeast, northeast, and northwest along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the northwest corner of S. 3, T. 11 N., R. 17 W.;

then west 1.2 miles;

then north to the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary;

then northwest along the Rancho El Tejon line to the southeast corner of S. 34, T. 32 S., R. 30 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian;

then north to the northwest corner of S. 35, T. 31 S., R. 30 E.;

then northeast along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the southwest corner of S. 18, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;

then east to the southeast corner of S. 13, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;

then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the northwest corner of S. 6, T. 29 S., R. 32 E.;

then east to the southwest corner of S. 31, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.;

then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the northwest corner of S. 6, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.,

then west to the southeast corner of S. 36, T. 27 S., R. 31 E.,

then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the Kern-Tulare County boundary


Atlanta, GA

Heard County

The northeast portion that extends north of 33 degrees 24 minutes (north) to the Carroll County border and east of 85 degrees 3 minutes (west) to the Coweta County border.

Putnam County

The area described by U.S. Census 2000 block group identifier 13-237-9603-1.

Macon, GA

Monroe County

From the point where Bibb and Monroe Counties meet at US Hwy 23/Georgia Hwy 98 follow the Bibb/Monroe County line westward 150' from the US Hwy 23/Georgia Hwy 87 centerline,

proceed northward 150' west of and parallel to the US Hwy 23/Georgia Hwy 87 centerline to 33 degrees, 04 minutes, 30 seconds;

proceeed westward to 83 degrees, 49 minutes, 45 seconds;

proceed due south to 150' north of the Georgia Hwy 18 centerline, proceed eastward 150' north of and parallel to the Georgia Hwy 18 centerline to 1150' west of the US Hwy 23/ Georgia Hwy 87 centerline, proceed southward 1150' west of and parallel to the US Hwy 23/Georgia Hwy 87 centerline to the Monroe/Bibb County line;

then follow the Monroe/Bibb County line to 150' west of the US Hwy 23/Georgia Hwy 87 centerline.


Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH

Lawrence County

The area described by U.S. Census 2000 block group identifier 21-127-9901-6.


Libby, MT

Lincoln County

The area bounded by lines from Universal Transverse Mercador Zone 11 (North American Datum 1983) coordinates beginning at 600,000mE, 5,370,000mN east to 620,000mE, 5370,000mN south to 620,000mE, 5340,000mN west to 600,000mE, 5,340,000mN north to 600,000mE, 5,370,000mN.


Johnstown, PA

Indiana County

Townships of West Wheatfield, Center, East Wheatfield, and Armagh Borough and Homer City Borough.


Knoxville, TN

Roane County

The area described by U.S. Census 2000 block group identifier 47-145-0307-2.

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