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PM-10 (1987) Maintenance Area (Redesignated from Nonattainment) Area/State/County Report
PM-10 (1987) Maintenance Area (Redesignated from Nonattainment) Area/State/County Report
Data is current as of February 28, 2025Ada County; Boise, ID (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
IDAHO (Region X) | |
Ada County (P) | |
Adams, Denver, and Boulder Counties; Denver Metropolitan area, CO (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
COLORADO (Region VIII) | |
Adams County (P) | |
Arapahoe County (P) | |
Boulder County (P) | |
Broomfield County | |
Denver County | |
Douglas County | |
Jefferson County | |
Allegheny County; Liberty, Lincoln, Port Vue, Glassport, Clairton, PA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
Allegheny County (P) | |
Anchorage; Eagle River, AK (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ALASKA (Region X) | |
Anchorage Municipality (P) | |
Community of Eagle River | |
Archuleta County; Pagosa Springs, CO (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
COLORADO (Region VIII) | |
Archuleta County (P) | |
Aroostock County; City of Presque Isle, ME (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MAINE (Region I) | |
Aroostook County (P) | |
City of Presque Isle | |
Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
IDAHO (Region X) | |
Bonner County (P) | |
Brooke; Follansbee area, WV (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
Brooke County (P) | |
Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV (Serious - Maintenance) | |
NEVADA (Region IX) | |
Clark County (P) | |
Las Vegas planning area Hydrographic Area 212 | |
Cook County; Lyons Township, IL (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ILLINOIS (Region V) | |
Cook County (P) | |
Lyons Township | |
Cook County; Southeast Chicago, IL (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ILLINOIS (Region V) | |
Cook County (P) | |
Coso Junction, CA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
CALIFORNIA (Region IX) | |
Inyo County (P) | |
Searles Valley planning area Hydrologic Unit #18090205 | |
Cuyahoga County, OH (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OHIO (Region V) | |
Cuyahoga County | |
Flathead County; Columbia Falls and vicinity, MT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MONTANA (Region VIII) | |
Flathead County (P) | |
Flathead County; Kalispell and vicinity, MT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MONTANA (Region VIII) | |
Flathead County (P) | |
Flathead County; Whitefish and vicinity, MT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MONTANA (Region VIII) | |
Flathead County (P) | |
Fremont County; Canon City Area, CO (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
COLORADO (Region VIII) | |
Fremont County (P) | |
Gila County (part): Payson, AZ (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ARIZONA (Region IX) | |
Gila County (P) | |
Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
Brooke County (P) | |
The city of Weirton | |
Hancock County (P) | |
The city of Weirton | |
Imperial Valley, CA (Serious - Maintenance) | |
CALIFORNIA (Region IX) | |
Imperial County (P) | |
Imperial Valley planning area | |
Indian Wells, CA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
CALIFORNIA (Region IX) | |
Kern County (P) | |
Searles Valley planning area Hydrologic Unit #18090205 | |
Jackson County; Medford-Ashland (including White City), OR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OREGON (Region X) | |
Jackson County (P) | |
Jefferson County, OH (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OHIO (Region V) | |
Jefferson County (P) | |
Mingo Junction | |
Josephine County; Grants Pass, OR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OREGON (Region X) | |
Josephine County (P) | |
Urban Growth Boundary | |
Juneau; Mendenhall Valley area, AK (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ALASKA (Region X) | |
Juneau City and Borough (P) | |
City of Juneau: Mendenhall Valley area | |
King County; Kent, WA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
WASHINGTON (Region X) | |
King County (P) | |
King County; Seattle, WA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
WASHINGTON (Region X) | |
King County (P) | |
Seattle | |
Klamath Falls, OR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OREGON (Region X) | |
Klamath County (P) | |
Urban Growth Boundary | |
LaSalle County; Oglesby, IL (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ILLINOIS (Region V) | |
LaSalle County (P) | |
Lake County (part); Lakeview, OR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OREGON (Region X) | |
Lake County (P) | |
Lakeview (Urban Growth Boundary). | |
Lake County; Cities of East Chicago, Hammond, Whiting, and Gary, IN (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
INDIANA (Region V) | |
Lake County (P) | |
Cities of East Chicago, Hammond, Whiting, and Gary | |
Lane County (part); Oakridge, OR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OREGON (Region X) | |
Lane County (P) | |
Oakridge (Urban Growth Boundary) | |
Lane County; Eugene/Springfield, OR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OREGON (Region X) | |
Lane County (P) | |
Urban Growth Boundary | |
Lincoln County; Libby and vicinity, MT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MONTANA (Region VIII) | |
Lincoln County (P) | |
Madison County; Granite City Township and Nameoki Township, IL (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ILLINOIS (Region V) | |
Madison County (P) | |
Missoula, MT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MONTANA (Region VIII) | |
Missoula County (P) | |
Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ARIZONA (Region IX) | |
Mohave County (P) | |
Bullhead City | |
Mono County; Mammoth Lake planning area, CA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
CALIFORNIA (Region IX) | |
Mono County (P) | |
Mun. of Guaynabo, PR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
PUERTO RICO (Region II) | |
Guaynabo Municipio (P) | |
Ogden, UT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
UTAH (Region VIII) | |
Weber County (P) | |
City of Ogden | |
Olmsted County, MN (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MINNESOTA (Region V) | |
Olmsted County (P) | |
Pierce County; Tacoma, WA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
WASHINGTON (Region X) | |
Pierce County (P) | |
Tacoma | |
Pima County; Ajo planning area, AZ (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
ARIZONA (Region IX) | |
Pima County (P) | |
Pitkin County; Aspen, CO (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
COLORADO (Region VIII) | |
Pitkin County (P) | |
Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
IDAHO (Region X) | |
Bannock County (P) | |
Power County (P) | |
Prowers County; Lamar, CO (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
COLORADO (Region VIII) | |
Prowers County (P) | |
Ramsey County, MN (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MINNESOTA (Region V) | |
Ramsey County (P) | |
St. Paul | |
Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA (Serious - Maintenance) | |
CALIFORNIA (Region IX) | |
Los Angeles County (P) | |
South Coast Air Basin | |
Orange County | |
Riverside County (P) | |
South Coast Air Basin | |
San Bernardino County (P) | |
South Coast Air Basin | |
Routt County (part); Steamboat Springs, CO (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
COLORADO (Region VIII) | |
Routt County (P) | |
Steamboat Springs | |
Sacramento County, CA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
CALIFORNIA (Region IX) | |
Sacramento County | |
Salt Lake County, UT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
UTAH (Region VIII) | |
Salt Lake County | |
San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA (Serious - Maintenance) | |
CALIFORNIA (Region IX) | |
Fresno County | |
Kern County (P) | |
Kings County | |
Madera County | |
Merced County | |
San Joaquin County | |
Stanislaus County | |
Tulare County | |
San Miguel County; Telluride, CO (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
COLORADO (Region VIII) | |
San Miguel County (P) | |
Sanders County (part); Thompson Falls and vicinity, MT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MONTANA (Region VIII) | |
Sanders County (P) | |
Sheridan County; City of Sheridan, WY (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
WYOMING (Region VIII) | |
Sheridan County (P) | |
City of Sheridan | |
Shoshone County; City of Pinehurst, ID (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
IDAHO (Region X) | |
Shoshone County (P) | |
City of Pinehurst | |
Shoshone County; Pinehurst Expansion Area, ID (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
IDAHO (Region X) | |
Shoshone County (P) | |
excluding Pinehurst | |
Silver Bow County; Butte, MT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MONTANA (Region VIII) | |
Silver Bow County (P) | |
Spokane County, WA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
WASHINGTON (Region X) | |
Spokane County (P) | |
Thurston County; Cities of Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey, WA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
WASHINGTON (Region X) | |
Thurston County (P) | |
Cities of Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey | |
Union County; LaGrande, OR (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
OREGON (Region X) | |
Union County (P) | |
Urban Growth Boundary | |
Utah County, UT (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
UTAH (Region VIII) | |
Utah County | |
Vermillion County; Part of Clinton Township, IN (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
INDIANA (Region V) | |
Vermillion County (P) | |
Walla Walla County; Wallula, WA (Serious - Maintenance) | |
WASHINGTON (Region X) | |
Walla Walla County (P) | |
Wallula | |
Washoe County; Reno planning area, NV (Serious - Maintenance) | |
NEVADA (Region IX) | |
Washoe County (P) | |
Reno planning area Hydrographic area 87 | |
Wayne County, MI (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
MICHIGAN (Region V) | |
Wayne County (P) | |
Detroit | |
Yakima County, WA (Moderate - Maintenance) | |
WASHINGTON (Region X) | |
Yakima County (P) |
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