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Federal Register Notices Related to PM-10 (1987) Designations and Classifications

Data is current as of January 31, 2025
Ordered Chronologically in Descending Order

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Last Notice
07/21/2023 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 88 FR 47026 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
02/15/2023 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 88 FR 9812 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
08/22/2022 Lane County (part); Oakridge, OR OREGON 87 FR 51265 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/08/2022 Flathead County; Whitefish and vicinity, MT MONTANA 87 FR 34795 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/08/2022 Sanders County (part); Thompson Falls and vicinity, MT MONTANA 87 FR 34797 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/17/2022 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 87 FR 29830 Final Approval Clean Data Determination Rescission
05/09/2022 Lane County (part); Oakridge, OR OREGON 87 FR 27540 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/08/2022 Flathead County; Whitefish and vicinity, MT MONTANA 87 FR 12912 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/08/2022 Sanders County (part); Thompson Falls and vicinity, MT MONTANA 87 FR 12905 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/19/2021 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 86 FR 57769 Proposed Approval Extension of Comment Period
06/25/2021 Silver Bow County; Butte, MT MONTANA 86 FR 33547 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/01/2021 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 86 FR 29219 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination Rescission
04/19/2021 Silver Bow County; Butte, MT MONTANA 86 FR 20353 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/18/2020 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 85 FR 58286 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/04/2020 Pima County; Ajo planning area, AZ ARIZONA 85 FR 47032 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2020 Flathead County; Columbia Falls and vicinity, MT MONTANA 85 FR 38327 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2020 Flathead County; Kalispell and vicinity, MT MONTANA 85 FR 38327 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2020 Lincoln County; Libby and vicinity, MT MONTANA 85 FR 38327 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/24/2020 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 85 FR 37756 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
06/24/2020 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 85 FR 37756 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
06/04/2020 Pima County; Ajo planning area, AZ ARIZONA 85 FR 34381 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/07/2020 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 85 FR 19408 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/07/2020 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 85 FR 19408 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/02/2020 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 85 FR 18509 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/20/2020 Flathead County; Columbia Falls and vicinity, MT MONTANA 85 FR 16029 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/20/2020 Flathead County; Kalispell and vicinity, MT MONTANA 85 FR 16029 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/20/2020 Lincoln County; Libby and vicinity, MT MONTANA 85 FR 16029 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
02/25/2020 Ogden, UT UTAH 85 FR 10989 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
02/25/2020 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 85 FR 10989 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
02/25/2020 Utah County, UT UTAH 85 FR 10989 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
11/21/2019 Ogden, UT UTAH 84 FR 64245 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
11/21/2019 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 84 FR 64245 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
11/21/2019 Utah County, UT UTAH 84 FR 64245 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/24/2019 Missoula, MT MONTANA 84 FR 24037 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/05/2019 Missoula, MT MONTANA 84 FR 7846 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/11/2018 Shoshone County; City of Pinehurst, ID IDAHO 83 FR 45830 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/11/2018 Shoshone County; Pinehurst Expansion Area, ID IDAHO 83 FR 45830 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/11/2018 Shoshone County; City of Pinehurst, ID IDAHO 83 FR 21976 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/11/2018 Shoshone County; Pinehurst Expansion Area, ID IDAHO 83 FR 21976 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/04/2018 Sheridan County; City of Sheridan, WY WYOMING 83 FR 14373 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
01/29/2018 Sheridan County; City of Sheridan, WY WYOMING 83 FR 4015 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/08/2015 Washoe County; Reno planning area, NV NEVADA 80 FR 76232 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/05/2015 Mono County; Mammoth Lake planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 80 FR 60049 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/30/2015 Washoe County; Reno planning area, NV NEVADA 80 FR 58640 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/30/2015 Mono County; Mammoth Lake planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 80 FR 45477 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/29/2015 New York County, NY NEW YORK 80 FR 45067 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
10/06/2014 Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV NEVADA 79 FR 60078 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/21/2014 Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV NEVADA 79 FR 42258 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/02/2013 New York County, NY NEW YORK 78 FR 72032 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
09/26/2013 Sacramento County, CA CALIFORNIA 78 FR 59261 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/13/2013 New York County, NY NEW YORK 78 FR 56633 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/24/2013 Sacramento County, CA CALIFORNIA 78 FR 44494 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2013 Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 78 FR 38223 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/09/2013 Juneau; Mendenhall Valley area, AK ALASKA 78 FR 27168 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/09/2013 Juneau; Mendenhall Valley area, AK ALASKA 78 FR 27071 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
04/11/2013 Lane County; Eugene/Springfield, OR OREGON 78 FR 21583 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/11/2013 Lane County; Eugene/Springfield, OR OREGON 78 FR 21547 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
04/08/2013 Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 78 FR 20868 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/03/2013 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 78 FR 20001 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/19/2013 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 78 FR 16827 Proposed Approval Correction/Clarification
03/19/2013 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 78 FR 16792 Direct Final Correction/Clarification
02/01/2013 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 78 FR 7340 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
01/07/2013 Anchorage; Eagle River, AK ALASKA 78 FR 924 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
01/07/2013 Anchorage; Eagle River, AK ALASKA 78 FR 900 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
01/07/2013 Ogden, UT UTAH 78 FR 885 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/02/2012 Cochise County; Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, AZ ARIZONA 77 FR 45965 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/30/2012 Ogden, UT UTAH 77 FR 44544 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
05/31/2012 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 77 FR 32024 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
05/25/2012 Cochise County; Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, AZ ARIZONA 77 FR 31268 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/19/2011 Washoe County; Reno planning area, NV NEVADA 76 FR 21807 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
03/21/2011 East Kern County, CA CALIFORNIA 76 FR 15219 Final Approval Technical Amendment
03/21/2011 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 76 FR 15219 Final Approval Technical Amendment
02/28/2011 Washoe County; Reno planning area, NV NEVADA 76 FR 10817 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/31/2011 Flathead County; Columbia Falls and vicinity, MT MONTANA 76 FR 5323 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/31/2011 Flathead County; Columbia Falls and vicinity, MT MONTANA 76 FR 5280 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/31/2011 Lincoln County; Libby and vicinity, MT MONTANA 76 FR 5323 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/31/2011 Lincoln County; Libby and vicinity, MT MONTANA 76 FR 5280 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/11/2011 Cochise County; Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, AZ ARIZONA 76 FR 1532 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/11/2011 Hayden, AZ ARIZONA 76 FR 1532 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/11/2011 Santa Cruz County; Nogales planning area, AZ ARIZONA 76 FR 1532 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/29/2010 Cochise County; Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 72964 Withdrawal Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/29/2010 Hayden, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 72964 Withdrawal Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/29/2010 Santa Cruz County; Nogales planning area, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 72964 Withdrawal Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/02/2010 Cochise County; Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 67303 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/02/2010 Cochise County; Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 67220 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/02/2010 Hayden, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 67303 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/02/2010 Hayden, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 67220 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/02/2010 Santa Cruz County; Nogales planning area, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 67303 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/02/2010 Santa Cruz County; Nogales planning area, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 67220 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/19/2010 Anchorage; Eagle River, AK ALASKA 75 FR 64241 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/19/2010 Anchorage; Eagle River, AK ALASKA 75 FR 64162 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/01/2010 Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ ARIZONA 75 FR 60680 Proposed Approval Designation to Nonattainment
09/03/2010 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 75 FR 54031 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/03/2010 Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV NEVADA 75 FR 45571 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/03/2010 Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV NEVADA 75 FR 45485 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/28/2010 Power-Bannock Counties; Fort Hall Indian Reservation, ID IDAHO 75 FR 44142 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/16/2010 Juneau; Mendenhall Valley area, AK ALASKA 75 FR 41421 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/16/2010 Juneau; Mendenhall Valley area, AK ALASKA 75 FR 41379 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
06/24/2010 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 75 FR 36023 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/22/2010 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 75 FR 35362 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
06/22/2010 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 75 FR 35302 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
05/19/2010 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 75 FR 27944 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
05/13/2010 Power-Bannock Counties; Fort Hall Indian Reservation, ID IDAHO 75 FR 26898 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
03/23/2010 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 75 FR 13710 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/12/2010 Mun. of Guaynabo, PR PUERTO RICO 75 FR 1543 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/30/2009 Ogden, UT UTAH 74 FR 69049 Proposed Disapproval Extension of Comment Period
12/01/2009 Ogden, UT UTAH 74 FR 62717 Proposed Disapproval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/01/2009 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 74 FR 62717 Proposed Disapproval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/02/2009 Mun. of Guaynabo, PR PUERTO RICO 74 FR 45387 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
11/12/2008 East Kern County, CA CALIFORNIA 73 FR 66759 Final Approval Area Split
11/12/2008 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 73 FR 66759 Final Approval Area Split
11/12/2008 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 73 FR 66759 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/14/2008 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 73 FR 47542 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
05/23/2008 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 73 FR 30029 Proposed Approval Extension of Comment Period
04/25/2008 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 73 FR 22307 Proposed Approval Area Split
04/25/2008 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 73 FR 22307 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/19/2008 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 73 FR 14687 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
12/11/2007 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 72 FR 70222 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
08/27/2007 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 72 FR 49045 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
06/06/2007 Inyo County; Owens Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 72 FR 31183 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
06/06/2007 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 31183 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
03/28/2007 Hayden, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 14502 Proposed Approval Area Split
03/28/2007 Hayden, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 14422 Direct Final Area Split
03/28/2007 Miami, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 14502 Proposed Approval Area Split
03/28/2007 Miami, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 14502 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
03/28/2007 Miami, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 14422 Direct Final Area Split
03/28/2007 Miami, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 14422 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
03/23/2007 Inyo County; Owens Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 72 FR 13723 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
03/23/2007 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 72 FR 13723 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/30/2006 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 71 FR 63641 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/08/2006 Pima County; Rillito planning area, AZ ARIZONA 71 FR 44944 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/08/2006 Pima County; Rillito planning area, AZ ARIZONA 71 FR 44920 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/03/2006 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 71 FR 43979 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
07/19/2006 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 71 FR 40952 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/14/2006 Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV WEST VIRGINIA 71 FR 40023 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/13/2006 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 71 FR 39574 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/19/2006 Jackson County; Medford-Ashland (including White City), OR OREGON 71 FR 35233 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/19/2006 Jackson County; Medford-Ashland (including White City), OR OREGON 71 FR 35163 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
06/19/2006 Lake County (part); Lakeview, OR OREGON 71 FR 35159 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/19/2006 Union County; LaGrande, OR OREGON 71 FR 35161 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/18/2006 Lake County (part); Lakeview, OR OREGON 71 FR 28777 Withdrawal Redesignation to Maintenance
05/18/2006 Union County; LaGrande, OR OREGON 71 FR 28777 Withdrawal Redesignation to Maintenance
05/11/2006 Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV WEST VIRGINIA 71 FR 27440 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/22/2006 Lake County (part); Lakeview, OR OREGON 71 FR 14438 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/22/2006 Lake County (part); Lakeview, OR OREGON 71 FR 14399 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
03/22/2006 Union County; LaGrande, OR OREGON 71 FR 14438 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/22/2006 Union County; LaGrande, OR OREGON 71 FR 14393 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
03/14/2006 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 71 FR 13063 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
03/14/2006 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 71 FR 13021 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/08/2006 Pima County; Ajo planning area, AZ ARIZONA 71 FR 6437 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/08/2006 Pima County; Ajo planning area, AZ ARIZONA 71 FR 6352 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
12/06/2005 Prowers County; Lamar, CO COLORADO 70 FR 72597 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
10/25/2005 Prowers County; Lamar, CO COLORADO 70 FR 61563 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
10/13/2005 New Haven County, CT CONNECTICUT 70 FR 59690 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/13/2005 New Haven County, CT CONNECTICUT 70 FR 59657 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
09/22/2005 Cook County; Lyons Township, IL ILLINOIS 70 FR 55610 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/22/2005 Cook County; Lyons Township, IL ILLINOIS 70 FR 55541 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
09/22/2005 Cook County; Southeast Chicago, IL ILLINOIS 70 FR 55611 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
09/22/2005 Cook County; Southeast Chicago, IL ILLINOIS 70 FR 55545 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
08/26/2005 Walla Walla County; Wallula, WA WASHINGTON 70 FR 50212 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/01/2005 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 70 FR 38064 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
07/01/2005 Spokane County, WA WASHINGTON 70 FR 38073 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/01/2005 Spokane County, WA WASHINGTON 70 FR 38029 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
07/01/2005 Walla Walla County; Wallula, WA WASHINGTON 70 FR 38073 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/20/2005 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 70 FR 29243 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/10/2005 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 70 FR 11882 Final Approval Boundary Change
02/08/2005 Yakima County, WA WASHINGTON 70 FR 6591 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
02/07/2005 Yakima County, WA WASHINGTON 70 FR 6361 Final Approval Boundary Change
12/20/2004 Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV WEST VIRGINIA 69 FR 75847 Withdrawal Redesignation to Maintenance
11/29/2004 Yakima County, WA WASHINGTON 69 FR 69338 Proposed Approval Boundary Change
11/29/2004 Yakima County, WA WASHINGTON 69 FR 69342 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
11/09/2004 Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV WEST VIRGINIA 69 FR 64860 Direct Final Correction/Clarification
10/27/2004 Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV WEST VIRGINIA 69 FR 62637 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/27/2004 Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV WEST VIRGINIA 69 FR 62591 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
10/25/2004 Routt County (part); Steamboat Springs, CO COLORADO 69 FR 62210 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/10/2004 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 99 FR 5953 Court-Order Attainment Date Extension Remanded
09/20/2004 Prowers County; Lamar, CO COLORADO 69 FR 56163 Withdrawal Redesignation to Maintenance
09/20/2004 Routt County (part); Steamboat Springs, CO COLORADO 69 FR 56163 Withdrawal Redesignation to Maintenance
08/20/2004 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 69 FR 51753 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
08/11/2004 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 69 FR 48835 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
08/11/2004 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 69 FR 48792 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
08/05/2004 Prowers County; Lamar, CO COLORADO 69 FR 47399 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/05/2004 Prowers County; Lamar, CO COLORADO 69 FR 47366 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
08/05/2004 Routt County (part); Steamboat Springs, CO COLORADO 69 FR 47399 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/05/2004 Routt County (part); Steamboat Springs, CO COLORADO 69 FR 47366 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
06/09/2004 Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV NEVADA 69 FR 32273 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
12/18/2003 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 99 FR 17741 Court-Order Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups) Vacated
10/27/2003 Ada County; Boise, ID IDAHO 68 FR 61106 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/27/2003 Ada County; Boise, ID IDAHO 68 FR 61106 Final Approval Designation Reinstatement
10/27/2003 Josephine County; Grants Pass, OR OREGON 68 FR 61178 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/27/2003 Josephine County; Grants Pass, OR OREGON 68 FR 61111 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
10/21/2003 Klamath Falls, OR OREGON 68 FR 60060 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/21/2003 Klamath Falls, OR OREGON 68 FR 60036 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
10/09/2003 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 99 FR 14995 Court-Order Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups) Vacated
10/07/2003 Riverside County; Coachella Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 57820 Final Approval Boundary Change
10/07/2003 Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 57820 Final Approval Boundary Change
09/11/2003 Allegheny County; Liberty, Lincoln, Port Vue, Glassport, Clairton, PA PENNSYLVANIA 68 FR 53515 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/27/2003 Brooke; Follansbee area, WV WEST VIRGINIA 68 FR 51544 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/27/2003 Brooke; Follansbee area, WV WEST VIRGINIA 68 FR 51459 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
08/15/2003 Riverside County; Coachella Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 48848 Proposed Approval Boundary Change
08/15/2003 Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 48848 Proposed Approval Boundary Change
07/30/2003 Ada County; Boise, ID IDAHO 68 FR 44715 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/30/2003 Ada County; Boise, ID IDAHO 68 FR 44715 Proposed Approval Designation Reinstatement
07/18/2003 Allegheny County; Liberty, Lincoln, Port Vue, Glassport, Clairton, PA PENNSYLVANIA 68 FR 42657 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/23/2003 Indian Wells, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 37090 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
06/23/2003 Trona, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 37090 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
05/15/2003 Pitkin County; Aspen, CO COLORADO 68 FR 26248 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/15/2003 Pitkin County; Aspen, CO COLORADO 68 FR 26212 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
05/07/2003 Indian Wells, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 24368 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/18/2003 Riverside County; Coachella Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 19318 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
04/18/2003 Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 68 FR 19316 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
02/12/2003 Shoshone County; Pinehurst Expansion Area, ID IDAHO 68 FR 7174 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
01/22/2003 Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV NEVADA 68 FR 2954 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
01/10/2003 Lake County; Cities of East Chicago, Hammond, Whiting, and Gary, IN INDIANA 68 FR 1414 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
01/10/2003 Lake County; Cities of East Chicago, Hammond, Whiting, and Gary, IN INDIANA 68 FR 1370 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
12/17/2002 Indian Wells, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 77196 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/17/2002 Riverside County; Coachella Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 77204 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
12/17/2002 Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 77212 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
09/19/2002 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 59005 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
09/19/2002 Indian Wells, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 59005 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
09/19/2002 Trona, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 59005 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
09/16/2002 Adams, Denver, and Boulder Counties; Denver Metropolitan area, CO COLORADO 67 FR 58335 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/06/2002 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 50805 Final Approval Area Split
08/06/2002 Indian Wells, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 50805 Final Approval Area Split
08/06/2002 Trona, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 50805 Final Approval Area Split
08/06/2002 Trona, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 50805 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/26/2002 Ramsey County, MN MINNESOTA 67 FR 48839 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/26/2002 Ramsey County, MN MINNESOTA 67 FR 48787 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
07/25/2002 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 48718 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
06/26/2002 Gila County (part): Payson, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 43072 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2002 Gila County (part): Payson, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 43013 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2002 Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 43073 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2002 Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 43020 Direct Final Boundary Change
06/26/2002 Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 43020 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
05/23/2002 Adams, Denver, and Boulder Counties; Denver Metropolitan area, CO COLORADO 67 FR 36124 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
02/15/2002 Gila County (part): Payson, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 7082 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/15/2002 Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ ARIZONA 67 FR 7082 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/15/2002 Sacramento County, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 7082 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/15/2002 San Bernardino County, CA CALIFORNIA 67 FR 7082 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/02/2001 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 66 FR 50251 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
08/23/2001 Shoshone County; City of Pinehurst, ID IDAHO 66 FR 44329 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/23/2001 Shoshone County; City of Pinehurst, ID IDAHO 66 FR 44304 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/23/2001 Shoshone County; Pinehurst Expansion Area, ID IDAHO 66 FR 44329 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/23/2001 Shoshone County; Pinehurst Expansion Area, ID IDAHO 66 FR 44304 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/10/2001 Imperial Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 66 FR 42187 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/26/2001 Lane County (part); Oakridge, OR OREGON 66 FR 38947 Direct Final Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/25/2001 Gila County (part): Payson, AZ ARIZONA 66 FR 38603 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/25/2001 Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ ARIZONA 66 FR 38603 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/25/2001 Sacramento County, CA CALIFORNIA 66 FR 38603 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/25/2001 San Bernardino County, CA CALIFORNIA 66 FR 38603 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
06/18/2001 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 66 FR 32752 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
06/18/2001 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 66 FR 32752 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
06/18/2001 Utah County, UT UTAH 66 FR 32752 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
06/18/2001 Utah County, UT UTAH 66 FR 32752 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
06/15/2001 Archuleta County; Pagosa Springs, CO COLORADO 66 FR 32594 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/15/2001 Archuleta County; Pagosa Springs, CO COLORADO 66 FR 32556 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
06/15/2001 San Miguel County; Telluride, CO COLORADO 66 FR 32594 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/15/2001 San Miguel County; Telluride, CO COLORADO 66 FR 32556 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
06/13/2001 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 66 FR 31873 Proposed Approval Area Split
06/13/2001 Indian Wells, CA CALIFORNIA 66 FR 31873 Proposed Approval Area Split
06/13/2001 Trona, CA CALIFORNIA 66 FR 31873 Proposed Approval Area Split
05/16/2001 Spokane County, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 27055 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
03/13/2001 King County; Kent, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 14512 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/13/2001 King County; Kent, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 14492 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
03/13/2001 King County; Seattle, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 14512 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/13/2001 King County; Seattle, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 14492 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
03/13/2001 Pierce County; Tacoma, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 14512 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/13/2001 Pierce County; Tacoma, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 14492 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
02/09/2001 Walla Walla County; Wallula, WA WASHINGTON 66 FR 9663 Direct Final Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/08/2001 Washoe County; Reno planning area, NV NEVADA 66 FR 1268 Direct Final Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
12/12/2000 Walla Walla County; Wallula, WA WASHINGTON 65 FR 77544 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
12/11/2000 Cuyahoga County, OH OHIO 65 FR 77308 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/11/2000 Jefferson County, OH OHIO 65 FR 77308 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/06/2000 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 65 FR 76203 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
11/22/2000 Washoe County; Reno planning area, NV NEVADA 65 FR 70326 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
11/16/2000 Walla Walla County; Wallula, WA WASHINGTON 65 FR 69275 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/04/2000 Thurston County; Cities of Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey, WA WASHINGTON 65 FR 59154 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/04/2000 Thurston County; Cities of Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey, WA WASHINGTON 65 FR 59128 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
09/21/2000 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 65 FR 57127 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
09/21/2000 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 65 FR 57127 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
09/21/2000 Salt Lake County, UT UTAH 65 FR 57127 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
09/21/2000 Utah County, UT UTAH 65 FR 57127 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
09/21/2000 Utah County, UT UTAH 65 FR 57127 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
09/21/2000 Utah County, UT UTAH 65 FR 57127 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
07/10/2000 Cuyahoga County, OH OHIO 65 FR 42312 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/10/2000 Jefferson County, OH OHIO 65 FR 42312 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/26/2000 Ada County; Boise, ID IDAHO 65 FR 39321 Proposed Approval Designation Reinstatement
05/30/2000 Fremont County; Canon City Area, CO COLORADO 65 FR 34427 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/30/2000 Fremont County; Canon City Area, CO COLORADO 65 FR 34399 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
04/13/2000 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 65 FR 19963 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
03/12/1999 Ada County; Boise, ID IDAHO 64 FR 12257 Final Approval Designation Revocation
11/05/1998 Power-Bannock Counties; Fort Hall Indian Reservation, ID IDAHO 63 FR 59722 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
11/05/1998 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 63 FR 59722 Final Approval Area Split
10/26/1998 Ada County; Boise, ID IDAHO 63 FR 57086 Proposed Approval Designation Revocation
06/19/1998 Power-Bannock Counties; Fort Hall Indian Reservation, ID IDAHO 63 FR 33597 Proposed Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/19/1998 Power-Bannock Counties; Fort Hall Indian Reservation, ID IDAHO 63 FR 33605 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
06/19/1998 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 63 FR 33597 Proposed Approval Area Split
03/11/1998 Madison County; Granite City Township and Nameoki Township, IL ILLINOIS 63 FR 11865 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/11/1998 Madison County; Granite City Township and Nameoki Township, IL ILLINOIS 63 FR 11842 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
08/26/1997 Vermillion County; Part of Clinton Township, IN INDIANA 62 FR 45199 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/26/1997 Vermillion County; Part of Clinton Township, IN INDIANA 62 FR 45168 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
06/06/1997 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 62 FR 31025 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
12/18/1996 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66642 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
12/18/1996 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66642 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
12/18/1996 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66602 Direct Final Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
12/18/1996 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66602 Direct Final Attainment Date Extension
12/18/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66642 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
12/18/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66642 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
12/18/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66602 Direct Final Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
12/18/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 66602 Direct Final Attainment Date Extension
08/08/1996 LaSalle County; Oglesby, IL ILLINOIS 61 FR 41372 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/08/1996 LaSalle County; Oglesby, IL ILLINOIS 61 FR 41342 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
08/05/1996 Wayne County, MI MICHIGAN 61 FR 40592 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/05/1996 Wayne County, MI MICHIGAN 61 FR 40516 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
06/12/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 29726 Proposed Approval Correction/Clarification
06/12/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 29667 Direct Final Correction/Clarification
05/10/1996 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 61 FR 21372 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
05/08/1996 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 20730 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
05/08/1996 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 20730 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
05/08/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 20730 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
05/08/1996 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 61 FR 20730 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
08/30/1995 Aroostock County; City of Presque Isle, ME MAINE 60 FR 45113 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/30/1995 Aroostock County; City of Presque Isle, ME MAINE 60 FR 45056 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
08/28/1995 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 60 FR 44452 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
08/28/1995 Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID IDAHO 60 FR 44452 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
08/28/1995 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 60 FR 44452 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
08/28/1995 Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID IDAHO 60 FR 44452 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
07/28/1995 Ogden, UT UTAH 60 FR 38726 Direct Final Designation to Nonattainment
06/07/1995 Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ ARIZONA 60 FR 30046 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
05/31/1995 Olmsted County, MN MINNESOTA 60 FR 28377 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/31/1995 Olmsted County, MN MINNESOTA 60 FR 28339 Direct Final Redesignation to Maintenance
12/21/1993 Coso Junction, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Gila County (part): Payson, AZ ARIZONA 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Hancock and Brooke Counties (Part); The city of Weirton, WV WEST VIRGINIA 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Lane County (part); Oakridge, OR OREGON 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ ARIZONA 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 New York County, NY NEW YORK 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Routt County (part); Steamboat Springs, CO COLORADO 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 San Bernardino County, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Sanders County (part); Thompson Falls and vicinity, MT MONTANA 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Shoshone County; City of Pinehurst, ID IDAHO 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
12/21/1993 Trona, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 67334 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
11/29/1993 Mono Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 62544 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
10/19/1993 Flathead County; Whitefish and vicinity, MT MONTANA 58 FR 53886 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
09/24/1993 Lake County (part); Lakeview, OR OREGON 58 FR 49931 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
01/08/1993 Clark County; Las Vegas planning area, NV NEVADA 58 FR 3334 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/08/1993 Inyo County; Owens Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 3334 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/08/1993 Riverside County; Coachella Valley planning area, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 3334 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/08/1993 Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 3334 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/08/1993 San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 58 FR 3334 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
03/15/1991 Indian Wells, CA CALIFORNIA 56 FR 11101 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment

First Notice