Green Book
PM-10 (1987) Designated Area Partial County Descriptions
Data is current as of January 31, 2025Detailed Description of Certain Area Boundaries for Partial Counties
Cochise County; Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, AZ
Cochise County
Paul Spur/Douglas planning area, bounded as follows:
Township 23 South, Range 25 East (T23S, R25E):
T23S,R26E; T23S, R27E; T23S, R28E; T24S, R25E; T24S, R26E; T24S, R27E; T24S, R28E
Gila County (part): Payson, AZ
Gila County
The area bounded as follows:
T10N, Sections 1-3, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36 of R9E; T11N, Sections 1-3, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36 of R9E; T10-11N, R10E; T10N, Sections 4-9, 16-21, and 28-33 of R11E; T11N, Sections 4-9, 16-21, and 28-33 of R11E.
Hayden, AZ
Gila County
Hayden planning area..............
T1S, R13E (sections 7-36); T1S, R14E (sections 25-36);T2S, R13E; T2S, R14E; T2S, R15E; T3S, R13E; T3S, R14E; T3S, R15E; T3S, R16E (except that portion in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation); T4S, R13E; T4S, R14E; T4S, R15E; T4S, R16E; T5S, R13E; T5S, R14E; T5S, R15E; T5S, R16E; T6S, R13E; T6S, R14E; T6S, R15E; and T6S, R16E.
Pinal County
Hayden planning area..............
T1S, R13E (sections 7-36); T1S, R14E (sections 25-36); T2S, R13E; T2S, R14E; T2S, R15E; T3S, R13E; T3S, R14E; T3S, R15E; T3S, R16E (except that portion in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation); T4S, R13E; T4S, R14E; T4S, R15E; T4S, R16E; T5S,R13E; T5S, R14E; T5S, R15E; T5S, R16E; T6S, R13E; T6S, R14E; T6S, R15E; and T6S, R16E.
Maricopa and Pinal Counties; Phoenix planning area, AZ
Maricopa County
Phoenix planning area:
T6N, R1-3W, R1-7E; T5N, R1-3W, R1-7E; T4N, R1-3W, R1-7E; T3N, R1-3W, R1-7E; T2N, R1-3W, R1-7E; T1N, R1-3W, R1-7E; T1S, R1-3W, R1-7E; T2S, R1-3W, R1-7E.
Pinal County
Phoenix planning area: T1N, R8E
Miami, AZ
Gila County
Miami planning area...............
T1N, R13E; T1N, R14E; T1N, R15E; T1S, R13E (sections 1-6); T1S, R14E (sections 1-24); T1S, R14½E; and T1S, R15E. Gila County (part):
Mohave County (part); Bullhead City, AZ
Mohave County
The area bounded as follows:
Bullhead City: T21N, R21W, excluding Lake Mead National Recreation Area: T20N, R21–22W; T19N, R22W excluding Fort Mohave Indian Reservation.
Pima County; Ajo planning area, AZ
Pima County
Ajo planning area, bounded as follows:
Township T12S, R6W, and the following sections of Township T12S, R5W: a. Sections 6-8 b. Sections 17-20, and c. Sections 29-32
Pima County; Rillito planning area, AZ
Pima County
Rillito planning area, bounded as follows:
Townships: T11S, R9E; T11S, R10E; T11S, R11E; T11S, R12E; T12S, R8E; T12S, R9E; T12S, R10E; T12S, R11E; T12S, R12E
Pinal County (part); West Pinal, AZ
Pinal County
1. Commencing at a point which is the intersection of the western line of Range 2 East, Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian, and the northern line of Township 4 South, which is the point of beginning:
2. Thence, proceed easterly along the northern line of Township 4 South to a point where the northern line of Township 4 South intersects the western line of Range 7 East; 3. Thence, northerly along the western line of Range 7 East to a point where the western line of Range 7 East intersects the northern line of Township 3 South; 4. Thence, easterly along the northern line of Township 3 South to a point where the northern line of Township 3 South intersects the western line of Range 8 East; 5. Thence, northerly along the western line of Range 8 East to a point where the western line of Range 8 East intersects the northern line of Township 1 South; 6. Thence, easterly along the northern line of Township 1 South to a point where the northern line of Township 1 South intersects the eastern line of Range 8 East; 7. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Range 8 East to a point where the eastern line of Range 8 East intersects the Northern line of Township 3 South; 8. Thence easterly along the northern line of Township 3 South to a point where the northern line of Township 3 South intersects the eastern line of Range 9 East; 9. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Range 9 east to a point where the eastern line of Range 9 East intersects the northern line of Township 4 South; 10. Thence easterly along the northern line of Township 4 South to a point where the northern line of Township 4 South intersects the eastern line of Range 10 East; 11. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Range 10 East to a point where the eastern line of Range 10 East intersects the southern line of Township 5 South; 12. Thence westerly along the southern line of Township 5 South to a point where the southern line of Township 5 South intersects the eastern line of Range 8 East; 13. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Range 8 East to a point where the eastern line of Range 8 East intersects the northern line of Township 8 South; 14. Thence easterly along the northern line of Township 8 South to a point where the northern line of Township 8 South intersects the eastern line of Range 9 East; 15. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Range 9 east to a point where the eastern line of Range 9 East intersects the northern line of Township 9 South; 16. Thence easterly along the northern line of Township 9 South to a point where the northern line of Township 9 South intersects the eastern line of Range 10 East; 17. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Range 10 East to a point where the eastern line of Range 10 East intersects the southern line of Township 9 South; 18. Thence westerly along the southern line of Township 9 South to a point where the southern line of Township 9 South intersects the western line of Range 7 East; 19. Thence northerly along the western line of Range 7 East to a point where the western line of Range 7 East intersects the southern line of Township 8 South; 20. Thence westerly along the southern line of Township 8 South to a point where the southern line of Township 8 South intersects the western line of Range 6 East; 21. Thence northerly along the western line of Range 6 East to a point where the western line of Range 6 East intersects the southern line of Township 7 South; 22. Thence, westerly along the southern line of Township 7 South to a point where the southern line of Township 7 South intersects the quarter section line common to the southwestern southwest quarter section and the southeastern southwest quarter section of section 34, Range 3 East and Township 7 South; 23. Thence, northerly along the along the quarter section line common to the southwestern southwest quarter section and the southeastern southwest quarter section of sections 34, 27, 22, and 15, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, to a point where the quarter section line common to the southwestern southwest quarter section and the southeastern southwest quarter section of sections 34, 27, 22, and 15, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, intersects the northern line of section 15, Range 3 East and Township 7 South; 24. Thence, westerly along the northern line of sections 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, and the northern line of sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 2 East and Township 7 South, to a point where the northern line of sections 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 3 East and Township 7 South, and the northern line of sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Range 2 East and Township 7 South, intersect the western line of Range 2 East, which is the common boundary between Maricopa and Pinal Counties, as described in Arizona Revised Statutes sections 11-109 and 11-113; 25. Thence, northerly along the western line of Range 2 East to the point of beginning which is the point where the western line of Range 2 East intersects the northern line of Township 4 South; 26. Except that portion of the area defined by paragraphs 1 through 25 above that lies within the Ak-Chin Indian Reservation, Gila River Indian Reservation, and the Tohono O'odham Nation's Florence Village and San Lucy Farms.Santa Cruz County; Nogales planning area, AZ
Santa Cruz County
Nogales planning area bounded as follows:
The portions of the following Townships which are within the State of Arizona and lie east of 111 longitude: T23S, R13E; T23S, R14E; T24S, R13E; T24S, R14E
Yuma, AZ
Yuma County
Yuma planning area, bounded as follows:
Townships: T7S-R21W, R22W; T8S-R21W, R22W, R23W, R24W, T9S-R21W, R22W, R23W, R24W, R25W; T10S-R21W, R22W, R23W, R24W, R25W
East Kern County, CA
Kern County
That portion of Kern County which lies between the following two lines (with the exception of that portion in Hydrologic Unit Number 18090205 the Indian Wells Valley):
(1) West and north of a line described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of section 31, T. 10 N 16 W and running east to the
northwest boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant;
then running north and east along the northwest boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant to the point of intersection with the range line common to R. 15 W. and R. 16 W., San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
then north along the range line to the northwest corner of section 2, T. 32 S., R. 32 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian;
then east along the township line common to T. 32 S. and T. 31 S.;
then north along the range line common to R. 35 E. and R. 34 E.;
then east along the township line common to T. 29 S. and T. 28 S.;
then north along the range line common to R. 36 E. and R. 35 E.;
then east along the township line common to T. 28 S. and T. 27 S.;
then north along the range line common to R. 37 E. and R. 36 E. to the Kern-Tulare County boundary.
(2) East and south of a line of a line described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of section 31, T. 10 N 16 W and running north along the range line common to R. 16 W. and R. 17 W., San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
north along the range line to the point of intersection with the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary;
then southeast, northeast, and northwest along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the northwest corner of S. 3, T. 11 N., R. 17 W.;
then west 1.2 miles;
then north to the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary;
then northwest along the Rancho El Tejon line to the southeast corner of S. 34, T. 32 S., R. 30 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian;
then north to the northwest corner of S. 35, T. 31 S., R. 30 E.;
then northeast along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the southwest corner of S. 18, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;
then east to the southeast corner of S. 13, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;
then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the northwest corner of S. 6, T. 29 S., R. 32 E.;
then east to the southwest corner of S. 31, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.;
then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the northwest corner of S. 6, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.,
then west to the southeast corner of S. 36, T. 27 S., R. 31 E.,
then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the Kern-Tulare County boundary.
Imperial Valley, CA
Imperial County
Imperial Valley planning area: That portion of Imperial County that is defined as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of Imperial County and extending north along the Imperial-San Diego County line to the northwest corner of Imperial County; then east along the Imperial-Riverside County line to the point of intersection of the eastern boundary line of Hydrologic Unit #18100200; then southeasterly along the eastern boundary line of Hydrologic Unit #18100200 to the Imperial County-Mexico Border; then west along the Imperial County-Mexico Border to the point of the beginning.
Mono County; Mammoth Lake planning area, CA
Mono County
Mammoth Lake planning area includes the following sections:
a. Sections 1-12, 17, and 18 of Township T4S, R28E; b. Sections 25-36 of Township T3S, R28E; c. Sections 25-36 of Township T3S, R27E; d. Sections 1-18 of Township T4S, R27E; and e. Sections 25 and 36 of Township T3S, R26E
Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, & San Bernardino Counties; South Coast Air Basin, CA
Los Angeles County
That portion of Los Angeles County which lies south and west of a line described as follows:
1. Beginning at the Los Angeles - San Bernardino County boundary and running west along the township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
2. then north along the range line common to Range 8 West and Range 9 West;
3. then west along the township line common to Township 4 North and Township 3 North;
4. then north along the range line common to Range 12 West and Range 13 West to the southeast corner of Section 12, Township 5 North and Range 13 West;
5. then west along the south boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, Township 5 North and Range 13 West to the boundary of the Angeles National Forest which is collinear with the range line common to Range 13 West and Range 14 West;
6. then north and west along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North (point is at the northwest corner of Section 4 in Township 6 North and Range 14 West);
7. then west along the township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North;
8. then north along the range line common to Range 15 West and Range 16 West to the southeast corner of Section 13, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;
9. then along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;
10. then north along the range line common to Range 16 West and Range 17 West to the north boundary of the Angeles National Forest (collinear with the township line common to Township 8 North and Township 7 North);
11. then west along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the south boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant;
12. then west and north along this land grant boundary to the Los Angeles-Kern County boundary.
Riverside County
That portion of Riverside County which lies to the west of a line described as follows:
1. Beginning at the Riverside - San Diego County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
2. then east along the township line common to Township 8 South and Township 7 South;
3. then north along the range line common to Range 5 East and Range 4 East;
4. then west along the township line common to Township 6 South and Township 7 South to the southwest corner of Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 4 East;
5. then north along the west boundaries of Sections 34, 27, 22, 15, 10, and 3, Township 6 South, Range 4 East;
6. then west along the township line common to Township 5 South and Township 6 South;
7. then north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East;
8. then west along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 5 South, Range 3 East;
9. then north along the range line common to Range 2 East and Range 3 East to the Riverside-San Bernardino county line.
San Bernardino County
That portion of San Bernardino County which lies south and west of a line described as follows:
1. Beginning at the San Bernardino - Riverside County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 3 East and Range 2 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
2. then west along the township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North to the San Bernardino - Los Angeles County boundary.
San Bernardino County, CA
San Bernardino County
Excluding that portion located in the Searles Valley Planning area, and excluding that area in the South Coast Air Basin.
San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, CA
Kern County
That portion of Kern County which lies west and north of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Kern-Los Angeles County boundary and running north and east along the northwest boundary of the Rancho La Libre Land Grant to the point of intersection with the range line common to R. 16 W. and R. 17 W., San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
north along the range line to the point of intersection with the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary;
then southeast, northeast, and northwest along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the northwest corner of S. 3, T. 11 N., R. 17 W.;
then west 1.2 miles;
then north to the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary; then northwest along the Rancho El Tejon line to the southeast corner of S. 34, T. 32 S., R. 30 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian;
then north to the northwest corner of S. 35, T. 31 S., R. 30 E.;
then northeast along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the southwest corner of S. 18, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;
then east to the southeast corner of S. 13, T. 31 S., R. 31 E.;
then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E., Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the northwest corner of S. 6, T. 29 S., R. 32 E.;
then east to the southwest corner of S. 31, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.;
then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the northwest corner of S. 6, T. 28 S., R. 32 E.,
then west to the southeast corner of S. 36, T. 27 S., R. 31 E.,
then north along the range line common to R. 31 E. and R. 32 E. to the Kern-Tulare County boundary.
Adams, Denver, and Boulder Counties; Denver Metropolitan area, CO
Adams County
Denver Metropolitan area: Boulder County (excluding the Rocky Mountain National Park) and the Colorado auto mobile inspection and reajustment program portions of Adams and Arapahoe Counties.
Arapahoe County
Denver Metropolitan area: Boulder County (excluding the Rocky Mountain National Park) and the Colorado auto mobile inspection and reajustment program portions of Adams and Arapahoe Counties.
Boulder County
Denver Metropolitan area: Boulder County (excluding the Rocky Mountain National Park) and the Colorado auto mobile inspection and reajustment program portions of Adams and Arapahoe Counties.
Archuleta County; Pagosa Springs, CO
Archuleta County
Pagosa Springs Area, bounded as follows:
Township 35N-Range 2W: Sections 13, 14, 15; Section 23 NE, N 1/2 SE; Section 24 all except SWSW; Section 25 N 1/2 NE, NENW. Township 35N-Range 1W: Section 18 W 1/2
Fremont County; Canon City Area, CO
Fremont County
The area bounded as follows:
Township 18S-Range 70W: All of sections 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, and 34; the E 1/2, NENW, NESW, SENW, SESW quarters of sections 20, 29, 32; and the W 1/2 of sections 23, 26, and 35; Township 19S-Range 70W: All of sections 3, 4, 9, 10; E 1/2, NENW, NESW, SENW, SESW quarters of sections 5 and 8; W 1/2 of sections 2 and 11.
Pitkin County; Aspen, CO
Pitkin County
The area encompassed by the following Parcel ID numbers, as defined by the Pitkin County Planning Department:
2737-29, 2737-28, 2737-21, 2737-20, 2737-19, 2737-18, 2737-17, 2737-08, 2737-07, 2737-06, 2735-22, 2735-15, 2735-14, 2735-13, 2735-12, 2735-11, 2735-10, 2735-03, 2735-02, 2735-01, 2641-31, 2643-36, 2643-35, 2643-34, 2643-27, 2643-26.
Routt County (part); Steamboat Springs, CO
Routt County
The Steamboat Springs Area Airshed as adopted by the Routt County Commissioners on May 28, 1991, and the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission on June 20, 1991.
San Miguel County; Telluride, CO
San Miguel County
The area bounded as follows:
The Telluride nonattainment area begins at the intersection of Colorado State Highway 145 and the Telluride service area boundary, as it existed in 1991. The western edge of the nonattainment area until it meets Remine Creek is defined as follows: A tract of land located in a portion of the west one-half of Section 28 and the east one-half of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 9 west, of the New Mexico Principal Meridian, County of San Miguel, State of Colorado, described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of the said Section 28;
Thence N 89 36' 00'' W. 292.70 Feet; Thence S 04 05'12'' W. 538.63 Feet; Thence N 03 29'42'' W. 780.19 Feet; Thence N 22 15'00"E. 3344.16 Feet; Thence S 51 51' 49" E. 570.44 Feet; Thence S 03 15'36" E. 1106.22 Feet; Thence S 45 24'42" E. 546.96 Feet; Thence S 28 41'12" W. 549.62 Feet; Thence S 29 40' 09" E. 169.68 Feet; Thence S 44 30'03" W. 649.51 Feet; Thence S 85 54'00" E. 660.00 Feet; Thence S 04 06'00" W. 660.00 Feet; Thence N 89 56' 00" E. 1318.68 Feet; to the true point of beginning containing 11249 acres as described above.
Then, at Remine Creek, the nonattainment boundary follows the service area boundary for 9.65 miles to the 9,200 foot contour line. The boundary then intersects Bear Creek. Here the nonattainment boundary diverges from the service area boundary (9,200 foot contour line). The nonatttainment boundary continues in a west, southwest direction for 0.92 miles from the intersection of the 9,200 foot contour line and Bear Creek to the top of ski lift number 9 in the Telluride Ski Area at an elevation of about 11,900 feet. The boundary then shifts and runs in a north-westerly direction for 0.83 miles from the top of lift 9 to the top of lift 7, which is located at an elevation of 10,490 feet. From the top of lift 7, the nonattainment boundary continues in a north-westerly direction for 0.5 miles to the intersection of lift 3 with the 10,000 foot control line. The nonattainment boundary follows the 10,000 foot contour line in a south, south-west direction for 3.2 miles, until it intersects Skunk Creek. Here the boundary diverges from the 10,000 foot contour line and follows Skunk Creek in a northerly direction for 2.25 miles. At the intersection of Skunk Creek and Colorado State Highway 145, the nonattainment boundary leaves the creek and follows Highway 145 in a northerly direction until it meets the service area boundary as it existed prior to changes adopted in 1991.
Ada County; Boise, ID
Ada County
The area bounded as follows:
Northern Boundary-Beginning at a point in the center of the channel of the Boise River, where the line between sections 15 and 16 in Township 3 north (T3N), range 4 east (R4E), crosses said Boise River;
thence, west down the center of the channel of the Boise River to a point opposite the mouth of More's Creek;
thence, in a straight line north 44 degrees and 38 minutes west until the said line intersects the north line of T5N (12 Ter. Ses. 67);
thence west to the northwest corner T5N, R1W. Western Boundary-Thence, south to the northwest corner of T3N, R1W;
thence east to the northwest corner of section 4 of T3N, R1W;
thence south to the southeast corner of section 32 of T2N, R1W;
thence, west to the northwest corner of T1N, R1W;
thence, south to the southwest corner of section 32 of T2N, R1W;
thence, west to the northwest corner of T1N, R1W;
thence south to the southwest corner of T1N, R1W. Southern Boundary-Thence, east to southwest corner of section 33 of T1N, R4E. Eastern Boundary-Thence, north along the north and south center line of Townships T1N, R4E, T2N, R4E, and T3N, R4E, Boise Meridian to the beginning point in the center of the channel of the Boise River.
Bonner County; The Sandpoint Area, ID
Bonner County
The Sandpoint Area, bounded as follows:
Sections 1-3, 9-12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28 of range 2 west and Township 57 north; and the western 3/4 of Sections 14, 23, and 26 of the same Township and range coordinates.
Power-Bannock Counties; Fort Hall Indian Reservation, ID
Bannock County
The area encompasses 2 counties and is bounded as follows:
T.5S, R.34E Sections 15-23. T.5S, R.33E Sections 13-36. T.6S, R.33E Sections 1-36. T.7S, R.33E Sections 4, 5, 6. T.7S, R.34E Section 8.
Power County
The area encompasses 2 counties and is bounded as follows:
T.5S, R.34E Sections 15-23. T.5S, R.33E Sections 13-36. T.6S, R.33E Sections 1-36. T.7S, R.33E Sections 4, 5, 6. T.7S, R.34E Section 8.
Power-Bannock Counties; Portneuf Valley Area, ID
Bannock County
The area encompasses 2 counties and is bounded as follows:
State Lands
T.5S, R.34E Sections 25-36; T.5S, R.35E Section 31; T.6S, R.34E Sections 1-36; T.6S, R.35E Sections 5-9, 16-21, 28-33 Plus the West 1/2 of Sections 10, 15, 22, 27, 34 T.7S, R.34E Sections 1-4, 10-14, and 24 T.7S, R.35E Sections 4-9, 16-21, 28-33 Plus the West 1/2 of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27, 34 T.8S, R.35E, Section 4 Plus the West 1/2 of Section 3
Power County
The area encompasses 2 counties and is bounded as follows:
State Lands
T.5S, R.34E Sections 25-36; T.5S, R.35E Section 31; T.6S, R.34E Sections 1-36; T.6S, R.35E Sections 5-9, 16-21, 28-33 Plus the West 1/2 of Sections 10, 15, 22, 27, 34 T.7S, R.34E Sections 1-4, 10-14, and 24 T.7S, R.35E Sections 4-9, 16-21, 28-33 Plus the West 1/2 of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27, 34 T.8S, R.35E, Section 4 Plus the West 1/2 of Section 3
Shoshone County; Pinehurst Expansion Area, ID
Shoshone County
The area bounded as follows:
Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 2 East;
Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 2 East;
Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 2 East;
Southwest quarter, Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 2 East;
Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, Section 48 North, Range 2 East, Boise Base
(known as ``Pinehurst expansion area'').
Cook County; Southeast Chicago, IL
Cook County
The area bounded on the north by 79th Street, on the west by Interstate 57 between Sibley Boulevard and Interstate 94 and by Interstate 94 between Interstate 57 and 79th Street, on the south by Sibley Boulevard, and on the east by the Illinois/Indiana State line.
LaSalle County; Oglesby, IL
LaSalle County
Oglesby including the following Townships, ranges, and sections:
T32N, R1E, S1; T32N, R2E, S6; T33N, R1E, S24; T33N, R1E, S25; T33N, R2E, S30; T33N, R2E, S31; and T33N, R1E, S36
Vermillion County; Part of Clinton Township, IN
Vermillion County
Part of Clinton Township; including sections 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33 and 34.
Wayne County, MI
Wayne County
The area bounded by Michigan Avenue from its intersection with I-75 west to I-94 southwest to Greenfield Road, Greenfield Road south to Schaefer Road, Schaefer Road south and east to Jefferson Avenue, Jefferson Avenue south (Biddle Avenue through the city of Wyandotte) to Sibley Avenue, Sibley Avenue west to Fort Street, Fort Street south to King Road, King Road east to Jefferson Avenue, Jefferson Avenue south to Helen Road, Helen Road east extended to Trenton Channel, Tenton Channel north to the Detroit River, the Detroit River north to the Ambassador Bridge, Ambassador Bridge to I-75, I-75 to Michigan Avenue.
Olmsted County, MN
Olmsted County
The area bounded on the south by U.S. Highway 14; on the west by U.S. Highway 52; on the north by 14th Street N.W. between U.S. Highway 52 and U.S. Route 63 (Broadway Avenue), U.S. Route 63 north to Northern Heights Drive, N.E., and Northern Heights Drive N.E. extended east to the 1990 City of Rochester limits; and on the east by the 1990 City of Rochester limits.
Ramsey County, MN
Ramsey County
The area bounded by the Mississippi River from Lafayette to Route 494, Route 494 east to Route 61, Route 61 north to I-94, I-94 west to Lafayette, and Lafayette south to the Mississippi River.
Flathead County; Columbia Falls and vicinity, MT
Flathead County
Columbia Falls and vicinity Township T30N, R20W-Sections 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, and 18
Flathead County; Kalispell and vicinity, MT
Flathead County
The area bounded by lines from Universal Transmercator (UTM) coordinate 700000mE, 5347000mN, east to 704000mE, 5347000mN, south to 704000mE, 5341000mN, west to 703000mE, 5341000mN, south to 703000mE, 5340000mN, west to 702000mE, 5340000mN, south to 702000mE, 5339000mN, east to 703000mE, 5339000mN, south to 703000mE, 5338000mN, east to 704000mE, 5338000mN, south to 704000mE, 5336000mN, west to 702000mE, 5336000mN, south to 702000mE, 5335000mN, west to 700000mE, 5335000mN, north to 700000mE, 5340000mN, west to 695000mE, 5340000mN, north to 695000mE, 5345000mN, east to 700000mE, 5345000mN, north to 700000mE, 5347000mN.
Flathead County; Whitefish and vicinity, MT
Flathead County
The City of Whitefish and surrounding vicinity bounded by lines from Universal Transmercator (UTM) coordinates 695000 mE, 5370000 mN, east to 699000 mE, 5370000 mN, south to 699000 mE, 5361000 mN, west to 695000 mN, 5361000 mN, and north to 695000 mE, 5370000 mN.
Lincoln County; Libby and vicinity, MT
Lincoln County
Libby and vicinity T30N, R31W-Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 23, 26, 35, and west 1/2 of Section 24, west 1/2 of Section 25, and west 1/2 of Section 36; plus T31N, R31W-Sections 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35 and the east 1/2 of Section 30.
Missoula, MT
Missoula County
Missoula and vicinity including the following sections:
T13N, R19W-2, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34; T12N, R19W-Sections 4, 5, 6, 7; T13N, R20W-Sections 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, and 36.
Sanders County (part); Thompson Falls and vicinity, MT
Sanders County
Thompson Falls and vicinity: Including the following Sections: R29W, T21N-Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, and 16.
Silver Bow County; Butte, MT
Silver Bow County
The following area of Butte-Silver Bow excluding the territorial limits of the City of Walkerville: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 2, T.3N., R.8W., thence Easterly to Northeast corner Section 5, T.3N., R.7W.; then Southerly to Northwest corner Section 9, T.3N., R.7W.; thence Easterly to Northeast corner Section 10, T.3N., R.7W.; thence Southerly to Southeast corner Section 22, T.2N., R.7W.; thence Westerly to Southwest corner Section 19, T.2N., R.7W.; thence Northerly to Northwest corner Section 19, T.2N., R.7W.; thence Westerly to Southwest corner Section 14, T.2N., R.8W.; thence Northerly to Southwest corner Section 35, T.3N., R.8W.; thence Westerly to Southwest corner Section 34, T.3N., R.8W.; thence Northerly to Northwest corner Section 27, T.3N., R.8W.; thence Westerly to Southwest corner Section 20, T.3N., R.8W.; thence Northerly to Northwest corner Section 17, T.3N., R.8W.; thence Easterly to Northwest corner Section 14, T.3N., R.8W.; thence Northerly to the point of beginning.
Dona Ana County; Anthony, NM
Dona Ana County
The area bounded by Anthony Quadrangle, Anthony, New Mexico - Texas. SE/4 La Mesa 15' Quadrangle, N3200 - W10630/7.5, Township 26S, Range 3E, Sections 35 and 36 as limited by the New Mexico - Texas State line on the south.
Jefferson County, OH
Jefferson County
The area bounded by Market Street (State Route 43) from the West Virginia/Ohio border west to Sunset Blvd. (U.S. Route 22), Sunset Blvd. west to the Steubenville Township/Cross Creek Township boundary, the Township boundary south to the Steubenville Corporation limit, the corporation boundary east to State Route 7, State Route 7 South to the Steubenville Township/Wells Township boundary, the Township boundary east to the West Virginia/Ohio border, and North on the border to Market Street.
Jackson County; Medford-Ashland (including White City), OR
Jackson County
Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area (including White City)
Allegheny County; Liberty, Lincoln, Port Vue, Glassport, Clairton, PA
Allegheny County
The area including Liberty, Lincoln, Port Vue, and Glassport Boroughs and the City of Clairton.
King County; Kent, WA
King County
The City of Kent and a portion of the Green River valley bounded on east and west by the 100-foot contour, on the north by South 212th Street, and on the south by Highway 516.
King County; Seattle, WA
King County
The portion of the City of Seattle bounded on the east by I-5/East Duwamish Greenbelt, on the south by 104th Street, on the west by the West Duwamish Greenbelt north to Fairmont Avenue, S.W., north on Fairmont to Elliott Bay, and Dearborn Street from Elliott Bay to I-5.
Pierce County; Tacoma, WA
Pierce County
Tacoma metropolitan area bounded on the north by Marine View Drive from Commencement Bay east to the 100-foot contour, southeast along the 100-foot contour to 64th Avenue East, south along 64th Avenue East extended to I-5, I-5 west to the 100-foot contour near Pacific Avenue, and north along the 100-foot contour to Commencement Bay.
Spokane County, WA
Spokane County
The area bounded on the south by a line from Universal Transmercator (UTM) coordinate 489000mE, 5271000mN west to 458000mE, 5271000mN, thence north along a line to coordinate 458000mE, 5288000mN, thence east to 463000mE, 5288000mN, thence north to 463000mE, 5292000mN, thence east to 481000mE, 5292000mN, thence south to 481000mE, 5288000mN, thence east to 489000mE, 5288000mN, thence south to the beginning coordinate 489000mE, 5271000mN.
Yakima County, WA
Yakima County
The area bounded on the south by a line from UTM coordinate 694000mW, 5157000mN, west to 681000mW, 5157000mN, thence north along a line to coordinate 681000mN, 5172000mN, thence east to 694000mW, 5172000mN, thence south to the beginning coordinate 694000mW, 5157000mN, excluding the area within the exterior boundary of the Yakama Indian Reservation
Brooke; Follansbee area, WV
Brooke County
Follansbee area bounded on the north by the Market Street Bridge, on the east by West Virginia Route #2, on the south by the extension of the southern boundary of Steubenville Township in Jefferson County, Ohio, and on the west by the Ohio/West Virginia border.
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