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1-Hour Ozone (1979) Nonattainment Area Summary - NAAQS Revoked

Data is current as of December 31, 2024

Classification Number of Areas Number of Counties 2010 Population
Extreme 2 12 17,784,954
Severe-17 6 48 35,418,992
Severe-15 6 48 16,736,177
Serious 8 36 16,125,782
Moderate 5 11 1,736,909
Marginal 16 36 7,367,934
Rural Transport (Marginal) 2 2 0
Other 1 8 6,541,828
SUBTOTAL 46 201 101,712,576
Section 185A 3 3 459,668
Incomplete Data 14 15 1,259,464
SUBTOTAL 17 18 1,719,132
GRAND TOTAL 63 219 103,431,708

County subtotals and grand totals may not equal sum of parts.

Part counties are only counted one time across groupings.

"Section 185A" was previously called "Transitional".

The former 1-hour ozone designations and classifications as of June 15, 2004, are being retained in subpart C of Part 81 for purposes of the anti backsliding provisions of 40 CFR 51.905. 40 CFR 51.905(c) references subpart C of part 81 for the areas affected by the anti-backsliding regulation.