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Lead (2008) Nonattainment Area Partial County Descriptions

Data is current as of January 31, 2025
Detailed Description of Certain Area Boundaries for Partial Counties


Hayden, AZ

Gila County

The portions of Gila County that are bounded by T4S, R14E; T4S, R15E; T4S, R16E; T5S, R15E; T5S, R16E

Pinal County

The portions of Pinal County that are bounded by: T4S, R14E; T4S, R15E; T4S, R16E (except those portions in the San Carlos Indian Reservation);T5S, R14E; T5S, R15E; T5S, R16E (except those portions in the San Carlos Indian Reservation); T6S, R14E; T6S, R15E; T6S, R16E (except those portions in the San Carlos Indian Reservation).


Los Angeles County-South Coast Air Basin, CA

Los Angeles County

That portion of Los Angeles County which lies south and west of a line described as follows:

Beginning at the Los Angeles-San Bernardino County boundary and running west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

then North along the range line common to Range 8 West and Range 9 West;

then west along the Township line common to Township 4 North and Township 3 North;

then north along the range line common to Range 12 West and Range 13 West to the southeast corner of Section 12, Township 5 North and Range 13 West;

then west along the south boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, Township 5 North and Range 13 West to the boundary of the Angeles National Forest which is collinear with the range line common to Range 13 West and Range 14 West;

then north and west along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North (point is at the northwest corner of Section 4 in Township 6 North and Range 14 West);

then west along the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North;

then north along the range line common to Range 15 West and Range 16 West to the southeast corner of Section 13, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;

then along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Township 7 North and Range 16 West;

then north along the range line common to Range 16 West and Range 17 West to the north boundary of the Angeles National Forest (collinear with the Township line common to Township 8 North and Township 7 North);

then west and north along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the south boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant;

then west and north along this land grant boundary to the Los Angeles-Kern County boundary.


Saline County, KS

Saline County

Saline County (part):

Area bounded by Schilling Rd. on the north, 1/4 mile west of S. Ohio St. on the east, Water Well Rd. on the south, and 9th Street on the west.


Eagan, MN

Dakota County

Dakota County (part): Portions of Dakota county that are bounded by: Lone Oak Rd. (County Rd. 26) to the north, County Rd. 63 to the east, Wescott Rd. to the south, and Lexington Ave. (County Rd. 43) to the west.


Iron, Dent, and Reynolds Counties, MO

Dent County

Dent County (part): Sections 4, 9, 16, 21, 28, 33 of T34N, R2W.

Iron County

Iron County (part): Sections 6-7, 18-19, 30-32 of T34N, R1W and Sections 1-3, 10-15, 22-27, 34-36 of T34N, R2W.

Reynolds County

Reynolds County (part): Sections 5-7 of T33N, R1W and Sections 1-3, 10-12 of T33N, R2W.


Canton-Stark County, OH

Stark County

The portions of Stark County that are bounded on the north by State Route OH-153 (12th Street NE; Mahoning Road), on the east by Broadway Avenue, on the south by State Route OH-172 (Tuscarawas Street E; Lincoln Street E), and the west by State Route OH-43-Northbound (Cherry Avenue NE).


Lower Beaver Valley, PA

Beaver County

Area is bounded by Potter Township, Vanport Township, and Center Township.

Lyons, PA

Berks County

Berks County (part): Area is bounded by Kutztown Borough, Lyons Borough, Maxatawny Township and Richmond Township.

North Reading, PA

Berks County

Berks County (part): Area is bounded by Alsace Township, Laureldale Borough, and Muhlenberg Township.


Arecibo, PR

Arecibo Municipio

Arecibo Municipio (part):

Area bounded by 4 km from the boundaries of the Battery Recycling Company facility.

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