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8-Hour Ozone (2015) Nonattainment Area Partial County Descriptions

Data is current as of January 31, 2025
Detailed Description of Certain Area Boundaries for Partial Counties


Phoenix-Mesa, AZ

Gila County

T2N, R12E (except that portion in Maricopa County); T3N, R12E (except that portion in Maricopa County); T4N, R12E (Sections 25 through 29 (except those portions in Maricopa County) and 33 through 36 (except those portions in Maricopa County)).

Maricopa County

T1N, R1E (except that portion in Indian Country); T1N, R2E; T1N, R3E; T1N, R4E (except that portion in Indian Country); T1N, R5E (except that portion in Indian Country); T1N, R6E; T1N, R7E; T1N, R1W; T1N, R2W; T1N, R3W; T1N, R4W; T1N, R5W; T1N, R6W; T1N, R7W; T1N, R8W; T2N, R1E; T2N, R2E; T2N, R3E; T2N, R4E; T2N, R6E (except that portion in Indian Country); T2N, R7E (except that portion in Indian Country); T2N, R8E; T2N, R9E; T2N, R10E; T2N, R11E; T2N, R12E (except that portion in Gila County); T2N, R13E (except that portion in Gila County); T2N, R1W; T2N, R2W; T2N, R3W; T2N, R4W; T2N, R5W; T2N, R6W; T2N, R7W; T2N, R8W; T3N, R1E; T3N, R2E; T3N, R3E; T3N, R4E; T3N, R5E (except that portion in Indian Country); T3N, R6E (except that portion in Indian Country); T3N, R7E (except that portion in Indian Country); T3N, R8E; T3N, R9E; T3N, R10E (except that portion in Gila County); T3N, R11E (except that portion in Gila County); T3N, R12E (except that portion in Gila County); T3N, R1W; T3N, R2W T3N, R3W; T3N, R4W; T3N, R5W; T3N, R6W; T4N, R1E; T4N, R2E; T4N, R3E; T4N, R4E; T4N, R5E; T4N, R6E (except that portion in Indian Country); T4N, R7E (except that portion in Indian Country); T4N, R8E T4N, R9E; T4N, R10E (except that portion in Gila County); T4N, R11E (except that portion in Gila County); T4N, R12E (except that portion in Gila County); T4N, R1W; T4N, R2W; T4N, R3W; T4N, R4W; T4N, R5W; T4N, R6W; T5N, R1E; T5N, R2E; T5N, R3E; T5N, R4E; T5N, R5E; T5N, R6E; T5N, R7E; T5N, R8E; T5N, R9E (except that portion in Gila County); T5N, R10E (except that portion in Gila County); T5N, R1W; T5N, R2W; T5N, R3W; T5N, R4W; T5N, R5W; T6N, R1E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T6N, R2E; T6N, R3E; T6N, R4E; T6N, R5E; T6N, R6E; T6N, R7E; T6N, R8E; T6N, R9E (except that portion in Gila County); T6N, R10E (except that portion in Gila County); T6N, R1W (except that portion in Yavapai County); T6N, R2W; T6N, R3W; T6N, R4W; T6N, R5W; T7N, R1E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T7N, R2E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T7N, R3E; T7N, R4E; T7N, R5E; T7N, R6E; T7N, R7E; T7N, R8E; T7N, R9E (except that portion in Gila County); T7N, R1W (except that portion in Yavapai County); T7N, R2W (except that portion in Yavapai County); T8N, R2E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T8N, R3E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T8N, R4E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T8N, R5E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T8N, R6E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T8N, R7E (except that portion in Yavapai County); T8N, R8E (except that portion in Yavapai and Gila Counties); T8N, R9E (except that portion in Yavapai and Gila Counties); T1S, R1E (except that portion in Indian Country); T1S, R2E (except that portion in Pinal County and in Indian Country); T1S, R3E; T1S, R4E; T1S, R5E; T1S, R6E; T1S, R7E; T1S, R1W; T1S, R2W; T1S, R3W; T1S, R4W; T1S, R5W; T1S, R6W; T2S, R1E (except that portion in Indian Country); T2S, R5E; T2S, R6E; T2S, R7E; T2S, R1W; T2S, R2W; T2S, R3W; T2S, R4W; T2S, R5W; T3S, R1E; T3S, R1W; T3S, R2W; T3S, R3W; T3S, R4W; T3S, R5W; T4S, R1E; T4S, R1W; T4S, R2W; T4S, R3W; T4S, R4W; T4S, R5W; T5S, R4W (Sections 1 through 22 and 27 through 34).

Pinal County

T1N, R8E; T1N, R9E; T1N, R10E; T1S, R8E; T1S, R9E; T1S, R10E; T2S, R8E (Sections 1 through 10, 15 through 22, and 27 through 34); T2S, R9E (Sections 1 through 6); T2S, R10E (Sections 1 through 6); T3S, R7E (Sections 1 through 6, 11 through 14, 23 through 26, and 35 through 36); T3S, R8E (Sections 3 through 10, 15 through 22, and 27 through 34).

Yuma, AZ

Yuma County

That portion within Yuma County of the area described by the following: 1. Bounded on the north and west by the Arizona state line. 2. Bounded on the south by the line of latitude at 32°39’20” N. 3. Bounded on the east by the line of longitude 114°33’50” W. 4. And excluding the sections 10, 11, and 12 of township T9S, R23W and any portion in Indian Country.


Kern County (Eastern Kern), CA

Kern County

That portion of Kern County (with the exception of that portion in Hydrologic Unit Number 18090205 the Indian Wells Valley) east and south of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Kern-Los Angeles County boundary and running north and east along the northwest boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant to the point of intersection with the range line common to Range 16 West and Range 17 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; north along the range line to the point of intersection with the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary; then southeast, northeast, and northwest along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Grant to the northwest corner of Section 3, Township 11 North, Range 17 West; then west 1.2 miles; then north to the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary; then northwest along the Rancho El Tejon line to the southeast corner of Section 34, Township 32 South, Range 30 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; then north to the northwest corner of Section 35, Township 31 South, Range 30 East; then northeast along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the southwest corner of Section 18, Township 31 South, Range 31 East; then east to the southeast corner of Section 13, Township 31 South, Range 31 East; then north along the range line common to Range 31 East and Range 32 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 32 East; then east to the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 28 South, Range 32 East; then north along the range line common to Range 31 East and Range 32 East to the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 28 South, Range 32 East, then west to the southeast corner of Section 36, Township 27 South, Range 31 East, then north along the range line common to Range 31 East and Range 32 East to the Kern-Tulare County boundary.

Los Angeles-San Bernardino Counties (West Mojave Desert), CA

Los Angeles County

That portion of Los Angeles County which lies north and east of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Los Angeles-San Bernardino County boundary and running west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; then north along the range line common to Range 8 West and Range 9 West; then west along the Township line common to Township 4 North and Township 3 North; then north along the range line common to Range 12 West and Range 13 West to the southeast corner of Section 12, Township 5 North and Range 13 West; then west along the south boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, Township 5 North and Range 13 West to the boundary of the Angeles National Forest which is collinear with the range line common to Range 13 West and Range 14 West; then north and west along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North (point is at the northwest corner of Section 4 in Township 6 North and Range 14 West); then west along the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North; then north along the range line common to Range 15 West and Range 16 West to the southeast corner of Section 13, Township 7 North and Range 16 West; then along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 7 North and Range 16 West; then north along the range line common to Range 16 West and Range 17 West to the north boundary of the Angeles National Forest (collinear with the Township line common to Township 8 North and Township 7 North); then west and north along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the south boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant; then west and north along this land grant boundary to the Los Angeles-Kern County boundary.

San Bernardino County

That portion of San Bernardino County which lies north and east of a line described as follows: Beginning at the San Bernardino-Riverside County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 3 East and Range 2 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; then west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North to the San Bernardino-Los Angeles County boundary; and that portion of San Bernardino County which lies south and west of a line described as follows: Latitude 35 degrees, 10 minutes north and longitude 115 degrees, 45 minutes west.

Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA

Los Angeles County

That portion of Los Angeles County which lies south and west of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Los Angeles-San Bernardino County boundary and running west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North San Bernardino Base and Meridian; then north along the range line common to Range 8 West and Range 9 West; then west along the Township line common to Township 4 North and Township 3 North; then north along the range line common to Range 12 West and Range 13 West to the southeast corner of Section 12, Township 5 North and Range 13 West; then west along the south boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, Township 5 North and Range 13 West to the boundary of the Angeles National Forest which is collinear with the range line common to Range 13 West and Range 14 West; then north and west along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North (point is at the northwest corner of Section 4 in Township 6 North and Range 14 West); then west along the Township line common to Township 7 North and Township 6 North; then north along the range line common to Range 15 West and Range 16 West to the southeast corner of Section 13, Township 7 North and Range 16 West; then along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 7 North and Range 16 West; then north along the range line common to Range 16 West and Range 17 West to the north boundary of the Angeles National Forest (collinear with the Township line common to Township 8 North and Township 7 North); then west and north along the Angeles National Forest boundary to the point of intersection with the south boundary of the Rancho La Liebre Land Grant; then west and north along this land grant boundary to the Los Angeles-Kern County boundary.

Riverside County

That portion of Riverside County which lies to the west of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Riverside-San Diego County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; then east along the Township line common to Township 8 South and Township 7 South; then north along the range line common to Range 5 East and Range 4 East; then west along the southern boundaries of Sections 25, 26, and 27, Township 7 South, Range 4 East, then North along the west boundaries of Sections 27, 22, 15, 10, and 3 Township 7 South, Range 4 East, then East along the Township line common to Township 6 South and Township 7 South to the southwest corner of Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 4 East; then north along the west boundaries of Sections 34, 27, 22, 15, 10, and 3, Township 6 South, Range 4 East; then west along the Township line common to Township 5 South and Township 6 South; then north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East; then west along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 5 South, Range 3 East; then north along the range line common to Range 2 East and Range 3 East; to the Riverside-San Bernardino County line.

San Bernardino County

That portion of San Bernardino County which lies south and west of a line described as follows: Beginning at the San Bernardino-Riverside County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 3 East and Range 2 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; then west along the Township line common to Township 3 North and Township 2 North to the San Bernardino-Los Angeles County boundary.

Morongo Band of Mission Indians, CA

Riverside County

Footnote 4: See Section 22.0 of the EPA's technical support document for California, titled "California Final Area Designations for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards Technical Support Document (TSD)," for more information and maps showing the boundaries of the nonattainment area (available in Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0548).

Nevada County (Western part), CA

Nevada County

That portion of Nevada County, which lies west of a line, described as follows: Beginning at the Nevada-Placer County boundary and running north along the western boundaries of Sections 24, 13, 12, 1, Township 17 North, Range 14 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, and Sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12, Township 18 North, Range 14 East to the Nevada-Sierra County boundary.

Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation, CA

Riverside County

Includes the main body of the contiguous Pechanga Band Reservation and the noncontiguous area known as Pu'eskaMountain, excluding non-contiguous tribal lands in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA (Meadowbrook parcel).

Footnote 3: See Section 23.0 of the EPA's technical support document for California, titled "California Final Area Designations for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards Technical Support Document (TSD)," for more information and maps showing the locations of the main body of the reservation and the non-contiguous Pu'eska Mountain and Meadowbrook lands (available in Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0548).

San Diego County

Includes the main body of the contiguous Pechanga Band Reservation and the noncontiguous area known as Pu'eskaMountain, excluding non-contiguous tribal lands in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA (Meadowbrook parcel).

Footnote 3: See Section 23.0 of the EPA's technical support document for California, titled "California Final Area Designations for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards Technical Support Document (TSD)," for more information and maps showing the locations of the main body of the reservation and the non-contiguous Pu'eska Mountain and Meadowbrook lands (available in Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0548).

Riverside County (Coachella Valley), CA

Riverside County

That portion of Riverside County which lies to the east of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Riverside-San Diego County boundary and running north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; then east along the Township line common to Township 8 South and Township 7 South; then north along the range line common to Range 5 East and Range 4 East; then west along the Township line common to Township 6 South and Township 7 South to the southwest corner of Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 4 East; then north along the west boundaries of Sections 34, 27, 22, 15, 10, and 3, Township 6 South, Range 4 East; then west along the Township line common to Township 5 South and Township 6 South; then north along the range line common to Range 4 East and Range 3 East; then west along the south boundaries of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Township 5 South, Range 3 East; then north along the range line common to Range 2 East and Range 3 East; to the Riverside-San Bernardino County line. And that portion of Riverside County which lies to the west of a line described as follows: That segment of the southwestern boundary line of hydrologic Unit Number 18100100 within Riverside County.

Sacramento Metro, CA

El Dorado County

All portions of the county except that portion of El Dorado County within the drainage area naturally tributary to Lake Tahoe including said Lake.

Placer County

All portions of the county except that portion of Placer County within the drainage area naturally tributary to Lake Tahoe including said Lake, plus that area in the vicinity of the head of the Truckee River described as follows: Commencing at the point common to the aforementioned drainage area crestline and the line common to Townships 15 North and 16 North, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, and following that line in a westerly direction to the northwest corner of Section 3, Township 15 North, Range 16 East Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, thence south along the west line of Sections 3 and 10, Township 15 North, Range 16 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the intersection with the said drainage area crestline, thence following the said drainage area boundary in a southeasterly, then northeasterly direction to and along the Lake Tahoe Dam, thence following the said drainage area crestline in a northeasterly, then northwesterly direction to the point of beginning.

Solano County

That portion of Solano County which lies north and east of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly boundary of Solano County and the 1/4 section line running east and west through the center of Section 34; Township 6 North, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, thence east along said 1/4 section line to the east boundary of Section 36, Township 6 North, Range 2 West, thence south 1/2 mile and east 2.0 miles, more or less, along the west and south boundary of Los Putos Rancho to the northwest corner of Section 4, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, thence east along a line common to Township 5 North and Township 6 North to the northeast corner of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 1 East, thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 10, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, thence east along section lines to the south 1/4 corner of Section 8, Township 3 North, Range 2 East, thence east to the boundary between Solano and Sacramento Counties.

Sutter County

Portion south of a line connecting the northern border of Yolo County to the SW tip of Yuba County and continuing along the southern Yuba County border to Placer County.

San Diego County, CA

San Diego County

Barona Group of Capitan Grande of Mission Indians of the Barona Reservation. Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation. Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California. Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians. Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel. Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation. Jamul Indian Village of California. La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians. La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian Reservation. Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians. Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita Reservation. Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation. Pala Band of Mission Indians. Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pauma and Yuima Reservation. Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation. San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California. Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation. Viejas (Baron Long) Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Viejas Reservation.

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Solano County

Portion of Solano County which lies south and west of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly boundary of Solano County and the 1/4 section line running east and west through the center of Section 34, T6N, R2W, M.D.B. & M., thence east along said 1/4 section line to the east boundary of Section 36, T6N, R2W, thence south 1/2 mile and east 2.0 miles, more or less, along the west and south boundary of Los Putos Rancho to the northwest corner of Section 4, T5N, R1W, thence east along a line common to T5N and T6N to the northeast corner of Section 3, T5N, R1E, thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 10, T3N, R1E, thence east along section lines to the south 1/4 corner of Section 8, T3N, R2E, thence east to the boundary between Solano and Sacramento Counties.

Sonoma County

That portion of Sonoma County which lies south and east of a line described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the Rancho Estero Americano, being on the boundary line between Marin and Sonoma Counties, California; thence running northerly along the easterly boundary line of said Rancho Estero Americano to the northeasterly corner thereof, being an angle corner in the westerly boundary line of Rancho Canada de Jonive; thence running along said boundary of Rancho Canada de Jonive westerly, northerly and easterly to its intersection with the easterly line of Graton Road; thence running along the easterly and southerly line of Graton Road, northerly and easterly to its intersection with the easterly line of Sullivan Road; thence running northerly along said easterly line of Sullivan Road to the southerly line of Green Valley Road; thence running easterly along the said southerly line of Green Valley Road and easterly along the southerly line of State Highway 116, to the westerly line of Vine Hill Road; thence Running along the westerly and northerly line of Vine Hill Road, northerly and easterly to its intersection with the westerly line of Laguna Road; thence running northerly along the westerly line of Laguna Road and the northerly projection thereof to the northerly line of Trenton Road; thence running westerly along the northerly line of said Trenton Road to the easterly line of TrentonHealdsburg Road; thence running northerly along said easterly line of TrentonHealdsburg Road to the easterly line of Eastside Road; thence running northerly along said easterly line of Eastside Road to its intersection with the southerly line of Rancho Sotoyome; thence running easterly along said southerly line of Rancho Sotoyome to its intersection with the Township line common to Townships 8 and 9 North, M.D.M.; thence running easterly along said township line to its intersection with the boundary line between Sonoma and Napa Counties.

San Joaquin Valley, CA

Kern County

That portion of Kern County which lies west and north of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Kern-Los Angeles County boundary and running north and east along the northwest boundary of the Rancho La Libre Land Grant to the point of intersection with the range line common to R. 16 W and R. 17 W, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; north along the range line to the point of intersection with the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary; then southeast, northeast, and northwest along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the northwest corner of S 3, T. 11 N, R. 17 W; then west 1.2 miles; then north to the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant boundary; then northwest along the Rancho El Tejon line to the southeast corner of S 34, T. 32 S, R. 30 E, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; then north to the northwest corner of S 35, T. 31 S, R. 30 E; then northeast along the boundary of the Rancho El Tejon Land Grant to the southwest corner of S 18, T. 31 S, R. 31 E; then east to the southeast corner of S 13, T. 31 S, R. 31 E; then north along the range line common to R. 31 E and R. 32 E, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the northwest corner of S 6, T. 29 S, R. 32 E; then east to the southwest corner of S 31, T. 28 S, R. 32 E; then north along the range line common to R. 31 E and R. 32 E to the northwest corner of S 6, T. 28 S, R. 32 E, then west to the southeast corner of S 36, T. 27 S, R. 31 E, then north along the range line common to R. 31 E and R. 32 E to the KernTulare County boundary.

San Luis Obispo (Eastern part), CA

San Luis Obispo County

That portion of San Luis Obispo County that lies east of a line described as follows: Beginning at the San Luis Obispo County/Santa Barbara County boundary and running north along 120 degrees 24 minutes longitude to the intersection with 35 degrees 27 minutes latitude; east along 35 degrees 27 minutes latitude to the intersection with 120 degrees 18 minutes longitude; then north along 120 degrees 18 minutes longitude to the San Luis Obispo County/Monterey County boundary.


Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO

Larimer County

Including the portion of Rocky Mountain National Park therein and that portion of the county that lies south of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on Larimer County's eastern boundary and Weld County's western boundary intersected by 40 degrees, 42 minutes, and 47.1 seconds north latitude, proceed west to a point defined by the intersection of 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 47.1 seconds north latitude and 105 degrees, 29 minutes, and 40.0 seconds west longitude, thence proceed south on 105 degrees, 29 minutes, 40.0 seconds west longitude to the inter-section with 40 degrees, 33 minutes and 17.4 seconds north latitude, thence proceed west on 40 degrees, 33 minutes, 17.4 seconds north latitude until this line intersects Larimer County's western boundary and Grand County's eastern boundary.


Chicago, IL-IN-WI

Lake County

Calumet Township, Hobart Township, North Township, Ross Township, and St. John Township

Porter County

Center Township, Jackson Township, Liberty Township, Pine Township, Portage Township, Union Township, Washington Township, and Westchester Township.


Allegan County, MI

Allegan County

Casco Township, Cheshire Township, City of Douglas, City of Holland, City of Saugatuck, Clyde Township, Fillmore Township, Ganges Township, Heath Township, Laketown Township, Lee Township, Manlus Township, Overisel Township, Saugatuck Township, and Valley Township.

Muskegon County, MI

Muskegon County

Blue Lake Township, City of Montague, City of Muskegon, City of Muskegon Heights, City of North Muskegon, City of Roosevelt Park, City of Whitehall, Dalton Township, (incl. Village of Lakewood Club), Fruitland Township, Fruitport Township, (incl. Village of Fruitport) Laketon Township, Montague Township, Muskegon Township, Norton Shores Township, White River Township, and Whitehall Township.


El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM

Dona Ana County

The area bounded on the New Mexico-Texas state line on the east, the New Mexico-Mexico international line on the south, latitude N31°49’0” on the north, and longitude W106°36’36” on the west.


Northern Wasatch Front, UT

Tooele County

In Tooele County, the following Townships or portions thereof as noted (including Tooele City): Township 1 South Range 3 West. Township 2 South Range 3 West. Township 3 South Range 3 West. Township 3 South Range 4 West. Township 2 South Range 4 West. Township 2 South Range 5 West. Township 3 South Range 5 West. Township 3 South Range 6 West. Township 2 South Range 6 West. Township 1 South Range 6 West. Township 1 South Range 5 West. Township 1 South Range 4 West. Township 1 South Range 7 West. Township 2 South Range 7 West. Township 3 South Range 7 West. All Sections within Township 4 South Range 7 West except for Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32. Township 4 South Range 6 West. Township 4 South Range 5 West. Township 4 South Range 4 West. Township 4 South Range 3 West.

Weber County

All portions of Weber County west of and including Townships 5, 6, and that portion of 7 North Range 1 West that are west of the ridgeline that traces the Wasatch Mountains from the southeast corner of the township to the easternmost extension of the county boundary within the township.

Southern Wasatch Front, UT

Utah County

All portions of Utah County west of and including any portion of the following townships located within Utah County: Township 3 South Range 1 East. Township 4 South Range 2 East. Township 5 South Range 3 East. Township 6 South Range 3 East. Township 7 South Range 3 East. Township 8 South Range 3 East. Township 9 South Range 3 East. Township 10 South Range 2 East.

Uinta Basin, UT

Duchesne County

All land in Duchesne County below a contiguous external perimeter of 6,250 ft. in elevation. All areas within that contiguous external perimeter are included in the nonattainment area-including mesas and buttes which may have an elevation greater than 6,250 ft., but which are surrounded on all sides by land lower than 6,250 ft. Additionally, areas that fall outside the 6,250 ft. contiguous external perimeter that have elevations less than 6,250 ft. are excluded from the nonattainment area. The boundary is defined by the 6,250 ft. contour line created from the 2013 USGS 10-meter seamless Digital Elevation Model (USGS NED n41w110 1/3 arc-second 2013 1 x 1 degree IMG).

Uintah County

All land in Uintah County below a contiguous external perimeter of 6,250 ft. in elevation. All areas within that contiguous external perimeter are included in the nonattainment area-including mesas and buttes which may have an elevation greater than 6,250 ft., but which are surrounded on all sides by land lower than 6,250 ft. Additionally, areas that fall outside the 6,250 ft. contiguous external perimeter that have elevations less than 6,250 ft. are excluded from the nonattainment area. The boundary is defined by the 6,250 ft. contour line created from the 2013 USGS 10-meter seamless Digital Elevation Model (USGS NED n41w110 1/3 arcsecond 2013 1 x 1 degree IMG).


Chicago, IL-IN-WI

Kenosha County

The portion of Kenosha County bounded by the Lake Michigan shoreline on the East, the Kenosha County boundary on the North, the Kenosha County boundary on the South, and the I-94 corridor (including the entire corridor) on the West.

Milwaukee, WI

Racine County

Inclusive and east of the following roadways going from the northern county boundary to the southern county boundary: Highway 45 to Washington Ave. to South Beaumont Ave

Washington County

Inclusive and east of the following roadways going from the northern county boundary to the southern county boundary: County H to N Main St/Old US Hwy 45 to WI-60 Trunk E to WI-164 S.

Waukesha County

Going from the western county boundary to the southern county boundary: Inclusive and north of I-94 and inclusive and east of Highway 67.

Sheboygan County, WI

Sheboygan County

Inclusive and east of the following roadways with the boundary starting from north to south: Union Road which turns into County Road Y which turns into Highland Drive, to Lower Road which turns into Monroe Street, to Broadway/Main Street to Highway 32 which turns into Giddings Avenue to County Road W to County Road KW.

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