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Federal Register Notices Related to 8-Hour Ozone (2015) Designations and Classifications

Data is current as of August 31, 2024
Ordered Chronologically in Descending Order

Click on the 'FR' link to view the Federal Register Notice

Last Notice
08/01/2024 Baltimore, MD MARYLAND 89 FR 62663 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/30/2024 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE DELAWARE 89 FR 61025 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/30/2024 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE MARYLAND 89 FR 61025 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/30/2024 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE NEW JERSEY 89 FR 61025 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/30/2024 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE PENNSYLVANIA 89 FR 61025 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/29/2024 Greater Connecticut, CT CONNECTICUT 89 FR 60827 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/25/2024 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT CONNECTICUT 89 FR 60314 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/25/2024 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT NEW JERSEY 89 FR 60314 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/25/2024 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT NEW YORK 89 FR 60314 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/24/2024 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 89 FR 59832 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
06/20/2024 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX TEXAS 89 FR 51829 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
06/20/2024 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX TEXAS 89 FR 51829 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
06/20/2024 San Antonio, TX TEXAS 89 FR 51829 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/10/2024 Uinta Basin, UT UTAH 89 FR 25223 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/10/2024 Uinta Basin, UT UTAH 89 FR 25223 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
01/26/2024 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX TEXAS 89 FR 5145 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/26/2024 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX TEXAS 89 FR 5145 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/26/2024 San Antonio, TX TEXAS 89 FR 5145 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/04/2023 Cincinnati, OH-KY KENTUCKY 88 FR 68471 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/28/2023 Cincinnati, OH-KY KENTUCKY 88 FR 48772 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/19/2023 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 88 FR 32584 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
05/19/2023 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 88 FR 32594 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/18/2023 Louisville, KY-IN KENTUCKY 88 FR 23598 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/04/2023 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM NEW MEXICO 88 FR 19901 Proposed Approval Extension of Comment Period
04/04/2023 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM TEXAS 88 FR 19901 Proposed Approval Extension of Comment Period
03/07/2023 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM NEW MEXICO 88 FR 14095 Proposed Approval 179B Determination
03/07/2023 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM TEXAS 88 FR 14095 Proposed Approval 179B Determination
02/03/2023 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 88 FR 7382 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/01/2023 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 88 FR 6633 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
02/01/2023 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 88 FR 6633 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
02/01/2023 Washington, DC-MD-VA DISTRICT OF COL 88 FR 6688 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/01/2023 Washington, DC-MD-VA MARYLAND 88 FR 6688 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
02/01/2023 Washington, DC-MD-VA VIRGINIA 88 FR 6688 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
01/30/2023 Cincinnati, OH-KY OHIO 88 FR 5787 Final Approval Correction/Clarification
01/05/2023 Las Vegas, NV NEVADA 88 FR 775 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
01/05/2023 Las Vegas, NV NEVADA 88 FR 775 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/20/2022 Butte County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 63698 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/20/2022 Calaveras County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 63698 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/20/2022 Imperial County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 63701 Final Approval 179B Determination
10/20/2022 San Luis Obispo (Eastern part), CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 63698 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/20/2022 Sutter Buttes, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 63698 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/20/2022 Tuolumne County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 63698 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/20/2022 Tuscan Buttes, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 63698 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/17/2022 Atlanta, GA GEORGIA 87 FR 62733 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
10/07/2022 Allegan County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Allegan County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Amador County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/07/2022 Atlanta, GA GEORGIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/07/2022 Baltimore, MD MARYLAND 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Baltimore, MD MARYLAND 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Berrien County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Berrien County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI ILLINOIS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI ILLINOIS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI INDIANA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI INDIANA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY KENTUCKY 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY KENTUCKY 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Cleveland, OH OHIO 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Cleveland, OH OHIO 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX TEXAS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX TEXAS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Greater Connecticut, CT CONNECTICUT 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Greater Connecticut, CT CONNECTICUT 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX TEXAS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX TEXAS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Louisville, KY-IN KENTUCKY 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Louisville, KY-IN KENTUCKY 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Mariposa County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Mariposa County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Milwaukee, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Milwaukee, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Muskegon County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Muskegon County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Northern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Northern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE DELAWARE 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE DELAWARE 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE MARYLAND 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE MARYLAND 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE NEW JERSEY 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE NEW JERSEY 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE PENNSYLVANIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE PENNSYLVANIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Phoenix-Mesa, AZ ARIZONA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Phoenix-Mesa, AZ ARIZONA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 San Antonio, TX TEXAS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 San Antonio, TX TEXAS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 San Francisco Bay Area, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/07/2022 Sheboygan County, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Sheboygan County, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Southern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
10/07/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL ILLINOIS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL ILLINOIS 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL MISSOURI 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL MISSOURI 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Uinta Basin, UT UTAH 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Attainment Date Extension
10/07/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA DISTRICT OF COL 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA DISTRICT OF COL 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA MARYLAND 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA MARYLAND 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA VIRGINIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/07/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA VIRGINIA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
10/07/2022 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 87 FR 60897 Final Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
08/26/2022 Atlanta, GA GEORGIA 87 FR 52487 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/15/2022 Imperial County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 50030 Proposed Approval 179B Determination
07/22/2022 Las Vegas, NV NEVADA 87 FR 43764 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
07/22/2022 Las Vegas, NV NEVADA 87 FR 43764 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
07/14/2022 Butte County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 42126 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/14/2022 Calaveras County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 42126 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/14/2022 San Luis Obispo (Eastern part), CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 42126 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/14/2022 Sutter Buttes, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 42126 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/14/2022 Tuolumne County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 42126 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/14/2022 Tuscan Buttes, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 42126 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
07/05/2022 Louisville, KY-IN INDIANA 87 FR 39750 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
06/09/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY OHIO 87 FR 35104 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/18/2022 Louisville, KY-IN INDIANA 87 FR 30129 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/29/2022 Door County-Revised, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 25410 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
04/13/2022 Allegan County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Allegan County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Amador County, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/13/2022 Atlanta, GA GEORGIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/13/2022 Baltimore, MD MARYLAND 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Baltimore, MD MARYLAND 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Berrien County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Berrien County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI ILLINOIS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI ILLINOIS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI INDIANA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI INDIANA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Chicago, IL-IN-WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY KENTUCKY 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY KENTUCKY 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY OHIO 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY OHIO 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Cleveland, OH OHIO 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Cleveland, OH OHIO 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX TEXAS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX TEXAS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Door County-Revised, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Door County-Revised, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Greater Connecticut, CT CONNECTICUT 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Greater Connecticut, CT CONNECTICUT 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX TEXAS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX TEXAS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Louisville, KY-IN INDIANA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Louisville, KY-IN INDIANA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Louisville, KY-IN KENTUCKY 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Louisville, KY-IN KENTUCKY 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Manitowoc County, WI CALIFORNIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Manitowoc County, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/13/2022 Milwaukee, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Milwaukee, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Muskegon County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Muskegon County, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Northern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Northern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE DELAWARE 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE DELAWARE 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE MARYLAND 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE MARYLAND 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE NEW JERSEY 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE NEW JERSEY 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE PENNSYLVANIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE PENNSYLVANIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Phoenix-Mesa, AZ ARIZONA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Phoenix-Mesa, AZ ARIZONA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 San Antonio, TX TEXAS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 San Antonio, TX TEXAS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 San Francisco Bay Area, CA CALIFORNIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/13/2022 Sheboygan County, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Sheboygan County, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Southern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/13/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL ILLINOIS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL ILLINOIS 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL MISSOURI 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 St. Louis, MO-IL MISSOURI 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Uinta Basin, UT UTAH 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Attainment Date Extension
04/13/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA DISTRICT OF COL 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA DISTRICT OF COL 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA MARYLAND 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA MARYLAND 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA VIRGINIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/13/2022 Washington, DC-MD-VA VIRGINIA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Failure to Attain by Attainment Date
04/13/2022 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 87 FR 21842 Proposed Approval Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determination
04/04/2022 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 19414 Proposed Approval Extension of Comment Period
03/31/2022 Manitowoc County, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 18702 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/14/2022 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 87 FR 14210 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/03/2022 Door County-Revised, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 12020 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
02/11/2022 Cincinnati, OH-KY OHIO 87 FR 7978 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
02/01/2022 Manitowoc County, WI WISCONSIN 87 FR 5438 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
11/30/2021 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 86 FR 67864 Final Approval Boundary Change
11/30/2021 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM NEW MEXICO 86 FR 67864 Final Approval Boundary Change
11/30/2021 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM TEXAS 86 FR 67864 Final Approval Boundary Change
10/28/2021 Kern County (Eastern Kern), CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 59648 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/28/2021 Nevada County (Western part), CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 59648 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
10/28/2021 Sacramento Metro, CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 59648 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
08/13/2021 Kern County (Eastern Kern), CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 44677 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
08/13/2021 Nevada County (Western part), CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 44677 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
08/13/2021 Sacramento Metro, CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 44677 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
06/14/2021 Chicago, IL-IN-WI ILLINOIS 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 Chicago, IL-IN-WI INDIANA 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 Chicago, IL-IN-WI WISCONSIN 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 86 FR 31460 Proposed Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 Door County-Revised, WI WISCONSIN 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/14/2021 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM NEW MEXICO 86 FR 31460 Proposed Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM TEXAS 86 FR 31460 Proposed Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 Manitowoc County, WI WISCONSIN 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 Milwaukee, WI WISCONSIN 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 Sheboygan County, WI WISCONSIN 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 St. Louis, MO-IL ILLINOIS 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/14/2021 St. Louis, MO-IL MISSOURI 86 FR 31438 Final Approval Boundary Change
06/02/2021 San Diego County, CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 29522 Final Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
04/08/2021 San Diego County, CA CALIFORNIA 86 FR 18227 Proposed Approval Change to a Higher Classification (Bump-Ups)
06/10/2020 Door County, WI WISCONSIN 85 FR 35377 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
05/19/2020 Berrien County, MI MICHIGAN 85 FR 29895 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
03/13/2020 Door County, WI WISCONSIN 85 FR 14608 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
08/21/2019 Columbus, OH OHIO 84 FR 43508 Final Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/03/2019 Columbus, OH OHIO 84 FR 31814 Proposed Approval Redesignation to Maintenance
07/25/2018 San Antonio, TX TEXAS 83 FR 35136 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Allegan County, MI MICHIGAN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Amador County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Atlanta, GA GEORGIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Baltimore, MD MARYLAND 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Berrien County, MI MICHIGAN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Butte County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Calaveras County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Chicago, IL-IN-WI ILLINOIS 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Chicago, IL-IN-WI INDIANA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Chicago, IL-IN-WI WISCONSIN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Cincinnati, OH-KY KENTUCKY 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Cincinnati, OH-KY OHIO 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Cleveland, OH OHIO 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Columbus, OH OHIO 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX TEXAS 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Denver Metro/North Front Range, CO COLORADO 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Detroit, MI MICHIGAN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Door County, WI WISCONSIN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM NEW MEXICO 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Greater Connecticut, CT CONNECTICUT 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX TEXAS 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Imperial County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Kern County (Eastern Kern), CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Las Vegas, NV NEVADA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Los Angeles-San Bernardino Counties (West Mojave Desert), CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Louisville, KY-IN INDIANA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Louisville, KY-IN KENTUCKY 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Manitowoc County, WI WISCONSIN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Mariposa County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Milwaukee, WI WISCONSIN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Morongo Band of Mission Indians, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Muskegon County, MI MICHIGAN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Nevada County (Western part), CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT CONNECTICUT 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT NEW JERSEY 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT NEW YORK 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Northern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE DELAWARE 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE MARYLAND 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE NEW JERSEY 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE PENNSYLVANIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Phoenix-Mesa, AZ ARIZONA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Riverside County (Coachella Valley), CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Sacramento Metro, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 San Diego County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 San Francisco Bay Area, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 San Joaquin Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 San Luis Obispo (Eastern part), CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Sheboygan County, WI WISCONSIN 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Southern Wasatch Front, UT UTAH 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 St. Louis, MO-IL ILLINOIS 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 St. Louis, MO-IL MISSOURI 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Sutter Buttes, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Tuolumne County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Tuscan Buttes, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Uinta Basin, UT UTAH 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Ventura County, CA CALIFORNIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Washington, DC-MD-VA DISTRICT OF COL 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Washington, DC-MD-VA MARYLAND 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Washington, DC-MD-VA VIRGINIA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment
06/04/2018 Yuma, AZ ARIZONA 83 FR 25776 Final Approval Designation to Nonattainment

First Notice