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8-Hour Ozone (1997) Nonattainment Area Summary with History - NAAQS Revoked

Data is current as of January 31, 2025

Original 8-Hr Ozone (1997) areas were designated effective July 15, 2004, and the NAAQS was revoked effective April 6, 2015 (80 FR 12264).

Classif. Original 2004 Baseline Adjusted
Today Redesig Original 2004 Baseline Adjusted
Today Redesig Original 2004 Baseline Adjusted
Today Redesig
Extreme 0 3 3 0 0 12 12 0 0 19,983,195 19,983,195 0
Severe 17 1 2 1 1 4 1 0 1 15,718,827 3,757 913 2,844
Severe 15 0 3 3 0 0 14 14 0 0 9,004,260 9,004,260 0
Serious 3 3 3 0 15 16 16 0 6,511,922 9,707,337 9,707,337 0
Moderate 30 31 19 12 185 180 102 78 87,026,630 77,399,602 47,517,220 29,882,382
Marginal 7 18 7 11 55 75 32 43 15,252,289 27,258,053 12,606,192 14,651,861
SUBTOTAL 41 60 36 24 259 298 176 122 124,509,668 143,356,204 98,819,117 44,537,087
Former Subpart 1 71 56 0 56 172 136 0 136 37,634,461 22,506,809 0 22,506,809
SUBTOTAL 71 56 0 56 172 136 0 136 37,634,461 22,506,809 0 22,506,809
Moderate EAC 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1,412,199 0 0 0
Marginal EAC 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1,453,439 0 0
Subpart 1 EAC 13 12 0 0 41 32 0 0 9,486,189 5,826,749 0 0
SUBTOTAL 14 13 0 0 49 40 0 0 10,898,388 7,280,188 0 0
126 129 36 80 480 474 176 258 173,042,517 173,143,201 98,819,117 67,043,896

* Please Note:

Changes can occur that adjust the original baseline counts, e.g., classification changes, area boundary changes, new areas designated nonattainment.
See the report listing these adjustments to the original 2004 nonattainment area baseline.

County subtotals and grand totals may not equal sum of parts. Part counties are only counted one time across groups.

The Greensboro EAC area was reclassified from Moderate EAC to Marginal EAC on November 2004. This table reflects the original area status after the reclassfication to Marginal EAC. Based on air quality data from 2005, 2006 and the first three quarters of 2007, the Denver CO Subpart 1 EAC area was designated nonattainment for 8-hour Ozone, effective November 20, 2007. The remaining thirteen (13) 8-Hr EAC areas were designated attainment on April 15, 2008.

On June 8, 2007, the United States Court of Appeals vacated the Subpart 1 portion of the Phase 1 Rule (Court Order) (PDF). On May 14, 2012, the Former Subpart 1 nonattainment areas were classified under Subpart 2 (77 FR 28424 ) (PDF), effective June 13, 2012.

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