Green Book
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Green Book
Areas With a Maintenance Plan Requirement Under Section 110(A)(1) of the CAA
Previous Section 185A Areas with a Maintenance Plan Requirement Under Section 110(a)(1) of the CAA
Data is current as of June 15, 2005
Areas Listed Alphabetically | No. Counties NAA |
2010 Population |
EPA Region |
State(s) |
Jacksonville, FL | 1 | 778,879 | 4 | FL |
Lafayette, LA | 1 | 190,503 | 6 | LA |
New Orleans, LA | 4 | 1,055,441 | 6 | LA |
Preble Co, OH | 1 | 42,337 | 5 | OH |
Yuba City, CA | 2 | 114,135 | 9 | CA |
5 Total Areas | 9 | 2,181,295 |