Green Book
Areas with a Maintenance Plan Requirement Under Section 110(a)(1) of the CAA
Data is current as of June 15, 2005Detailed Description of Certain Area Boundaries for Partial Counties
East Kern Co, CA
Kern Co
Indian Wells Valley planning area: That portion of Kern County contained within Hydrologic Unit #18090205. (redesignated to maintenance on 06/21/04 )
Yuba City, CASutter Co
Northern portion of Sutter Co excluding that portion of the Sutter Buttes mountain range at or above 2,000 feet in elevation.
San Diego, CASan Diego Co
That portion of San Diego County that includes the areas listed below: La Posta Areas #1 and #2 Cuyapaipe Area Manzanita Area Campo Areas #1 and #2 The boundaries for these designated areas are based on coordinates of latitude and longitude derived from EPA Region 9's GIS database and are illustrated in a map entitled "Eastern San Diego County Attainment Areas for the 8 Hour Ozone NAAQS," dated March 9, 2004, including an attached set of coordinates. The map and attached set of coordinates are available at EPA's Region 9 Air Division office. The designated areas roughly approximate the boundaries of the reservations for these tribes, but their inclusion in this table is intended for CAA planning purposes only and is not intended to be a federal determination of the exact boundaries of the reservations. Also, the specific listing of these tribes in this table does not confer, deny, or withdraw Federal recognition of any of the tribes so listed nor any of the tribes not listed.
Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY
Greenup Co
The area bounded as follows: Beginning at a point where the Ohio River meets the Greenup Boyd County Line; proceeding southwest along the Greenup Boyd County Line to the junction of the East Fork of the Little Sandy River and the Greenup Boyd County Line; proceeding north and west along the East Fork of the Little Sandy River to the confluence of the Little Sandy River; proceeding north along the Little Sandy River to the confluence of the Ohio River;proceeding east along the Ohio River to the beginning.
Owensboro, KYHancock Co
The area bounded as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of U.S. 60 and the Hancock Daviess County Line; proceeding east along U.S. 60 to the intersection of Yellow Creek and U.S. 60; proceeding north and west along Yellow Creek to the confluence of the Ohio River; proceeding west along the Ohio River to the confluence of Blackford Creek; proceeding south and east along Blackford Creek to the beginning.
Paducah, KYLivingston Co
The area bounded as follows: Beginning at the point where the Marshall, McCracken, and Livingston County Lines meet; proceeding due north to the Ohio River; proceeding east along the Ohio River and that part of the Livingston County Line to the northern most point of Cumberland Island and then south to the point of confluence of the Cumberland River; proceeding east on the Cumberland River to the intersection of U.S. 60 and the Cumberland River; proceeding north on U.S. 60 to the junction of Joe Grimmet Road and U.S. 60; proceeding to the end of Joe Grimmet Road and extending a line from that point to the junction of U.S. 70 and Heater Store Road; proceeding south along Heater Store Road to the intersection of Ky 1889 and Heater Store Road; proceeding south on Harvey Road to the junction of Ky 453 and Harvey Road; proceeding west on Ky 453 to the junction of Haddox Road and Ky 453; proceeding south along Haddox Road to the Tennessee River (at Haddox Ferry); proceeding west on the Tennessee River to the beginning
Hancock & Waldo Cos, ME
Hancock Co
Entire county excluding the following cities and towns: Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, Brooklin, Brooksville, Cranberry Isles, Deer Isle, Frenchboro, Gouldsboro, Hancock, Lamoine, Mount Desert, Sedgwick, Sorrento, Southwest Harbor, Stonington, Sullivan, Surry, Swans Island, Tremont, Trenton, and Winter Harbor
Waldo CoEntire county excluding the following town):Islesboro
Knox & Lincoln Co.s, MEKnox Co
Entire county excluding the following cities and towns: Camden, Criehaven, Cushing, Friendship, Isle au Haut, Matinicus Isle, Muscle Ridge Shoals, North Haven, Owls Head, Rockland, Rockport, St. George, South Thomaston, Thomaston, Vinalhaven, and Warren
Lincoln CoEntire county excluding the following cities and towns: Alna, Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Breman, Bristol, Damariscotta, Dresden, Edgecomb, Monhegan, Newcastle, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Southport, Waldoboro, Westport, and Wiscasset
Lewiston-Auburn, MEAndroscoggin Co
Entire county excluding the following town: Durham
Portland, MECumberland Co
Entire county excluding the following cities and towns: Brunswick, Cape Elizabeth, Casco, Cumberland, Falmouth, Freeport, Frye Island, Gorham, Gray, Harpswell, Long Island, New Gloucester, North Yarmouth, Portland, Pownal, Raymond, Scarborough, South Portland, Standish, Westbrook, Windham, and Yarmouth
York CoEntire county excluding the following cities and towns: Alfred, Arundel, Berwick, Biddeford, Buxton, Dayton, Elliot, Hollis, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Kittery, Limington, Lyman, North Berwick, Ogunquit, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Sanford, South Berwick, Wells, and York
Boston-Lawrence-Worcester (E. MA), MA-NH
Hillsborough Co
Mont Vernon Town, Wilton Town
Manchester, NHHillsborough Co
Includes only the following cities and towns: Antrim Town, Bennington Town, Deering Town, Francestown Town, Greenfield Town, Greenville Town, Hancock Town, Hillsborough Town, Lyndeborough Town, Mason Town, New Boston Town, New Ipswich Town, Peterborough Town, Sharon Town, Temple Town, Weare Town, Windsor Town
Merrimack CoThe entire county except the following town: Hooksett
Rockingham CoIncludes only the following cities and towns: Deerfield Town, Northwood Town, Nottingham Town
Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester, NHStrafford Co
The entire county except the following cities and towns: Dover, Durham, Rochester, Rollinsford, and Somersworth
Sunland Park, NM (New Area 1995)
Dona Ana Co
Dona Ana Co The area bounded by the New Mexico Texas State line on the east, the New Mexico Mexico international line on the south, the Range 3E Range 2E line on the west, and the N3200 latitude line on the north.
Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC
Davie Co
The area bounded by the Yadkin River, Dutchmans Creek, North Carolina Highway 801, Fulton Creek, and back to the Yadkin River.
Smyth Co, VA (White Top Mtn)
Smyth Co
The portion of White Top Mountain above the 4,500 feet elevation in Smyth county.
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
King Co
The following boundary includes all of Pierce County, and all of King County except a small portion on the northeast corner and the western portion of Snohomish County: Starting at the mouth of the Nisqually river extend northwesterly along the Pierce County line to the southernmost point of the west county line of King County; thence northerly along the county line to the southernmost point of the west county line of Snohomish County; thence northerly along the county line to the intersection with SR 532; thence easterly along the north line of SR 532 to the intersection of I 5, continuing east along the same road now identified as Henning Rd, to the intersection with SR 9 at Bryant; thence continuing easterly on Bryant East Rd. and Rock Creek Rd., also identified as Grandview Rd., approximately 3 miles to the point at which it is crossed by the existing BPA electrical transmission line; thence southeasterly along the BPA transmission line approximately 8 miles to point of the crossing of the south fork of the Stillaguamish River; thence continuing in a south easterly direction in a meander line following the bed of the River to Jordan Road; southerly along Jordan Road to the north city limits of Granite Falls; thence following the north and east city limits to 92nd St. N.E. and Menzel Lake Rd.; thence south southeasterly along the Menzel Lake Rd. and the Lake Roesiger Rd. a distance of approximately 6 miles to the northernmost point of Lake Roesiger; thence southerly along a meander line following the middle of the Lake and Roesiger Creek to Woods Creek; thence southerly along a meander line following the bed of the Creek approximately 6 miles to the point the Creek is crossed by the existing BPA electrical transmission line; thence easterly along the BPA transmission line approximately 0.2 miles; thence southerly along the BPA Chief Joseph Covington electrical transmission line approximately 3 miles to the north line of SR 2; thence southeasterly along SR 2 to the intersection with the east county line of King county; thence south along the county line to the northernmost point of the east county line of Pierce County; thence along the county line to the point of beginning at the mouth of the Nisqually River.
Snohomish CoSnohomish Co The following boundary includes all of Pierce County, and all of King County except a small portion on the northeast corner and the western portion of Snohomish County: Starting at the mouth of the Nisqually river extend northwesterly along the Pierce County line to the southernmost point of the west county line of King County; thence northerly along the county line to the southernmost point of the west county line of Snohomish County; thence northerly along the county line to the intersection with SR 532; thence easterly along the north line of SR 532 to the intersection of I 5, continuing east along the same road now identified as Henning Rd, to the intersection with SR 9 at Bryant; thence continuing easterly on Bryant East Rd. and Rock Creek Rd., also identified as Grandview Rd., approximately 3 miles to the point at which it is crossed by the existing BPA electrical transmission line; thence southeasterly along the BPA transmission line approximately 8 miles to point of the crossing of the south fork of the Stillaguamish River; thence continuing in a south easterly direction in a meander line following the bed of the River to Jordan Road; southerly along Jordan Road to the north city limits of Granite Falls; thence following the north and east city limits to 92nd St. N.E. and Menzel Lake Rd.; thence south southeasterly along the Menzel Lake Rd. and the Lake Roesiger Rd. a distance of approximately 6 miles to the northernmost point of Lake Roesiger; thence southerly along a meander line following the middle of the Lake and Roesiger Creek to Woods Creek; thence southerly along a meander line following the bed of the Creek approximately 6 miles to the point the Creek is crossed by the existing BPA electrical transmission line; thence easterly along the BPA transmission line approximately 0.2 miles; thence southerly along the BPA Chief Joseph Covington electrical transmission line approximately 3 miles to the north line of SR 2; thence southeasterly along SR 2 to the intersection with the east county line of King county; thence south along the county line to the northernmost point of the east county line of Pierce County; thence along the county line to the point of beginning at the mouth of the Nisqually River.