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Carbon Monoxide (1971) Maintenance Area (Redesignated from Nonattainment) Summary

Data is current as of September 30, 2024

Classification Number of Areas Number of Counties 2010 Population
Serious 7 16 23,548,401
Moderate > 12.7ppm 4 19 18,345,975
Moderate <= 12.7ppm 32 62 25,770,701
Unclassifiable 0 0 0
SUBTOTAL 43 97 67,665,077
Not Classified 34 34 8,145,840
SUBTOTAL 34 34 8,145,840
GRAND TOTAL 77 131 75,810,917

County subtotals and grand totals may not equal sum of parts. Part counties are only counted one time across groupings. Multi-state nonattainment areas are not considered maintenance areas until all states in the area have been redesignated