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Carbon Monoxide (1971) Designated Area State/Area/County Report

Data is current as of February 28, 2025

ALASKA (Region X)
  Anchorage, AK (Serious - Maintenance)
Anchorage Municipality (P)
Portion of Anchorage urban area
  Fairbanks, AK (Serious - Maintenance)
Fairbanks North Star Borough (P)
Portion of Fairbanks urban area
  Phoenix, AZ (Serious - Maintenance)
Maricopa County (P)
  Tucson, AZ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Pima County (P)
Portion of Tucson urban area
  Bakersfield, CA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Kern County (P)
  Chico, CA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Butte County (P)
  Fresno, CA (Moderate > 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Fresno County (P)
Fresno Urbanized Area (11/20/85, 50 FR 47735)
  Lake Tahoe North Shore, CA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Placer County (P)
  Lake Tahoe South Shore, CA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
El Dorado County (P)
  Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA (Serious - Maintenance)
Los Angeles County (P)
Orange County
Riverside County (P)
San Bernardino County (P)
  Modesto, CA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Stanislaus County (P)
  Sacramento, CA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Placer County (P)
Sacramento County (P)
Yolo County (P)
  San Diego, CA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
San Diego County (P)
  San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Alameda County (P)
Contra Costa County (P)
Marin County (P)
Napa County (P)
San Francisco County
San Mateo County (P)
Santa Clara County (P)
Solano County (P)
Sonoma County (P)
  Stockton, CA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
San Joaquin County (P)
  Colorado Springs, CO (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
El Paso County (P)
Teller County (P)
  Denver-Boulder, CO (Serious - Maintenance)
Adams County (P)
Denver Metro Area
Arapahoe County (P)
Denver Metro Area
Boulder County (P)
Denver Metro Area
Broomfield County
Denver County
Douglas County (P)
Denver Metro Area
Jefferson County (P)
Denver Metro Area
  Fort Collins, CO (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Larimer County (P)
  Greeley, CO (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Weld County (P)
  Longmont, CO (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Boulder County (P)
Portion of Longmont
Weld County (P)
Portion of Longmont
  Hartford-New Britain-Middletown, CT (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Hartford County (P)
Litchfield County (P)
Plymouth Town
Middlesex County (P)
Tolland County (P)
  New Haven-Meriden-Waterbury, CT (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Fairfield County (P)
Shelton City
Litchfield County (P)
Bethlehem Town, Thomaston Town, Watertown, Woodbury Town.
New Haven County
  New York-N. New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT (Moderate > 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Fairfield County (P)
All cities and townships except Shelton city
Litchfield County (P)
Bridgewater town, New Milford town
  Washington, DC-MD-VA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
District of Columbia
IDAHO (Region X)
  Boise-Northern Ada County, ID (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Ada County (P)
Northern half of Ada Co
INDIANA (Region V)
  East Chicago, IN (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Lake County (P)
  Indianapolis, IN (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Marion County (P)
  Baltimore, MD (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Baltimore city (P)
  Washington, DC-MD-VA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Montgomery County (P)
Election Districts 4, 7, 13
Prince George's County (P)
Election Districts 2, 6, 12, 16, 17, 18
  Boston, MA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Middlesex County (P)
Cities of: Cambridge, Everett, Malden, Medford, and Somerville.
Norfolk County (P)
Quincy CIty
Suffolk County (P)
Cities of: Boston, Chelsea, and Revere
  Lowell, MA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Middlesex County (P)
Lowell City
  Springfield, MA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Hampden County (P)
Springfield City
  Waltham, MA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Middlesex County (P)
Waltham City
  Worcester, MA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Worcester County (P)
City of Worcester
  Detroit, MI (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Macomb County (P)
A portion of Detroit
Oakland County (P)
A portion of Detroit
Wayne County (P)
A portion of Detroit
  Duluth, MN (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
St. Louis County (P)
City of Duluth
  Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Anoka County
Carver County (P)
Dakota County (P)
Hennepin County
Ramsey County
Scott County (P)
Washington County (P)
All cities and townships except Denmark Township.
Wright County (P)
  St. Louis, MO (Not Classified - Maintenance)
St. Louis County (P)
The area encompassed by the I-270 and the Mississippi River.
St. Louis city
  Billings, MT (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Yellowstone County (P)
Certain ranges and townships
  Great Falls, MT (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Cascade County (P)
  Missoula, MT (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Missoula County (P)
NEVADA (Region IX)
  Lake Tahoe, NV (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Carson City (P)
Hydrographic Area 90
Douglas County (P)
Hydrographic Area 90
Washoe County (P)
Hydrographic Area 90
  Las Vegas, NV (Serious - Maintenance)
Clark County (P)
Las Vegas Valley Hydrographic Area 212
  Reno, NV (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Washoe County (P)
Truckee Meadows Hydrographic Area 87
  Manchester, NH (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Hillsborough County (P)
City of Manchester
  Nashua, NH (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Hillsborough County (P)
City of Nashua
  Atlantic City, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Atlantic County (P)
The City of Atlantic City
  Burlington, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Burlington County (P)
City of Burlington
  Freehold, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Monmouth County (P)
Borough of Freehold
  Morristown, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Morris County (P)
City of Morristown
  New York-N. New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT (Moderate > 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Bergen County
Essex County
Hudson County
Passaic County (P)
City of Clifton, City of Patterson, City of Passaic
Union County
  Penns Grove, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Salem County (P)
  Perth Amboy, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Middlesex County (P)
City of Perth Amboy
  Philadelphia-Camden County, PA-NJ (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Camden County
  Somerville, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Somerset County (P)
Borough of Somerville
  Toms River, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Ocean County (P)
City of Toms River
  Trenton, NJ (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Mercer County (P)
City of Trenton
  Albuquerque, NM (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Bernalillo County
NEW YORK (Region II)
  New York-N. New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT (Moderate > 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Bronx County
Kings County
Nassau County
New York County
Queens County
Richmond County
Westchester County
  Syracuse, NY (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Onondaga County
  Charlotte, NC (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Mecklenburg County
  Raleigh-Durham, NC (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Durham County
Wake County
  Winston-Salem, NC (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Forsyth County
OHIO (Region V)
  Cleveland, OH (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Cuyahoga County
OREGON (Region X)
  Eugene-Springfield, OR (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Lane County (P)
Air Quality Maintenance Area
  Grants Pass, OR (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Josephine County (P)
Central Business District
  Klamath Falls, OR (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Klamath County (P)
Urban Growth Boundary
  Medford, OR (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Jackson County (P)
Medford-Ashland Urban Growth Boundary
  Portland, OR (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Clackamas County (P)
Portland Metro Service District Boundary
Multnomah County (P)
Portland Metro Service District Boundary
Washington County (P)
Portland Metro Service District Boundary
  Salem, OR (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Marion County (P)
City of Salem
Polk County (P)
City of Salem
  Philadelphia-Camden County, PA-NJ (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Philadelphia County (P)
  Pittsburgh, PA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Allegheny County (P)
  Memphis, TN (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Shelby County
TEXAS (Region VI)
  El Paso, TX (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
El Paso County (P)
Portion of the City Limits of El Paso
UTAH (Region VIII)
  Ogden, UT (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Weber County (P)
City of Ogden
  Provo, UT (Moderate > 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Utah County (P)
City of Provo
  Salt Lake City, UT (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Salt Lake County (P)
Salt Lake City
  Washington, DC-MD-VA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Alexandria city
Arlington County
  Seattle-Tacoma, WA (Moderate > 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
King County (P)
Pierce County (P)
Snohomish County (P)
  Spokane, WA (Serious - Maintenance)
Spokane County (P)
  Vancouver, WA (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance)
Clark County (P)
  Yakima, WA (Not Classified - Maintenance)
Yakima County (P)
Portion of the Central Business District

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