Total Allowances Held (2015-2021 Vintage) 3,536,164 Held by Affected Facility Accounts 2,770,959
Held by Other Accounts (General, State Holding, and Non-Affected Facility Accounts) 765,205
Allowances Deducted for CSAPR SO₂ Group 2 Program 73,565
Penalty Allowance Deduction 0
Banked Allowances 3,462,599 Held by Affected Facility Accounts 2,697,394
Held by Other Accounts (General, State Holding, and Non-Affected Facility Accounts) 765,205
CSAPR SO₂ Group 2 Program Compliance Results
Reported Emissions (tons) 73,572
Rounding and compliance issues (tons) -7
Emissions not covered by allowances (tons) 0
Total allowances deducted for emissions 73,565