TITLE Determination of Total Organic Emissions From Hazardous Waste Combustors AUTHOR(S) Larry D. Johnson PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 2771 SPONSORING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 2771 ABSTRACT Determination of Total Organics from stack emissions is much more complicated than might be expected, and more published guidance is needed badly. The best scheme available for analysis of Total Organics of stack emissions for material balance style bookkeeping includes determination of organic content in three boiling point ranges, less than 100?C, 100?C to 300?C, and greater than 300?C. Total organic carbon (TOC) is not a useful quantity, since it includes soot, polymeric material, and other non extractable and generally intractable organic material. Total Organics has been found to be an imperfect, but less misleading term. Various calculations also can be made and conclusions can be drawn based on the contents of the individual boiling point ranges, as determined by the recommended methodology, The analysis strategy is complicated, difficult, and contains limitations and compromises. It does not, however, require exotic analysis instrumentation nor is it very expensive. Each of these facets of the methodology is discussed in the paper, along with a status report on development of a guidance document and a research project intended to produce improved methods.